題 名 | 「免費頻道」政策=Designated Channels--ROC's Policy |
作 者 | 姜孝慈; | 書刊名 | 新聞學研究 |
卷 期 | 55 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁40-75 |
專 輯 | 電訊傳播的主體性 |
分類號 | 557.771 |
關鍵詞 | 有線電視法; 免費頻道; 近用頻道; 媒體接近使用權; The cable television law; Designated channels; PEG access channel; The right of access; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解有線電視法第二十三條第二款,「必須免費提供十分之一以上頻道作為公益性、藝文性、社教性等節目使用者」頻道(本研究稱為「免費頻道」)之意涵,主要在探討政策制定者╱媒體業者╱公眾應如何實踐公共利益、如何保障媒介接近使用權?並探討「免費頻道」之定位與內涵。 研究發現,「免費頻道」之規定在於建立形成媒體的公共領域,立意雖佳,卻應同時處理:頻道閒置、頻道公平性與開放性,以及民眾媒體接近使用權之保障等問題。本研究之建議為:一、有線電視法應修正所要求之頻道數,以防止頻道之閒置浪費;二、政策制定者與系統經營者應制定節目及頻道之審查標準與管理規範,以維護頻道之開放性與公平性;三、應積極擴展公眾使用頻道之機會與管道,如成立民間訓練機構等,俾利媒體接近使用權之實踐。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this article is to explicate the meanings of the Article 23 Clause 2 of The Cable Television Law of The Republic of China which asks cable television applicants to establish 'designated channels' in their programs. The author inquires about how policy-makers, cable television owners, and the public to ensure the praxis of public interests and the rights of medium use. As a result, it leads to discussions about the functions and social implications of designated channels. Although we intend to make it unrestricted in the utilization of mass media by this Clause, the author suggests we think about some practical problems, such as managing spare channels and keeping the chance of utilizing free channels fair and open to people. As solutions to these problems, the author further advises three points: 1. we have better revise The Cable Television Law to reduce the number of ‘designated channels’ in order to lessen the waste of spare channels. 2. Policy-makers and cable television owners should constitute rules of program supervision and channel using to ensure the spirit of fairness and openness. 3.We should enthusiastically offer chances and encourage people to use designated channels. We can establish private training institutes. |