- CaF[feaf]對Al[feaf]O[feb0]陶瓷微結構之影響
- 燒成氣氛對Al[feaf]O[feb0]-CeO[feaf]複合陶瓷微結構及機械性質之影響
- 鎳及氧化鋯顆粒添加對氧化鋁機械性質之影響
- 尖晶石界面相對氧化鋁/鐵複合材料機械性質之影響
- 不同起始粉末製程製備氧化鋁/鐵複合材料之微結構和機械性質研究
- 利用實驗設計法分析氧化鋁燒結參數之影響
- Dependence of Weibull Modulus on Processing and Microstructure
- 銅/氧化鋁複合材料之製備及其機械性質
- 以多尺度實驗及模擬工具探討氧化金屬奈米管之自組裝機制與微結構
- 粉末之分散行為對陶瓷體燒結行為及顯微結構之影響
題 名 | CaF[feaf]對Al[feaf]O[feb0]陶瓷微結構之影響=Effect of CaF[feaf]on Microstructure of Al[feaf]O[feb0]Ceramics |
作 者 | 童國峰; 黃啟祥; | 書刊名 | 陶業學刊 |
卷 期 | 1:2 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁9-15 |
分類號 | 440.33 |
關鍵詞 | 氧化鋁; 氟化鈣; 微結構; 柱狀晶; Alumina; Calcium fluoride; Microstructure; Elongated grain; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 微結構的變化對於陶瓷結構的諸性質有很大的影響。本研究是以氧化鋁為基材,以 氟化鈣為添加劑,探討 CaF �窈L量添加於 Al �� O �偺誑膜允黈韙ずT陶瓷燒結及微結構的 影響。 實驗結果顯示:Al �� O �陛� CaF �租V合粉末成形體於空氣中燒結時,CaF �索�料 會阻礙對 Al �茨� O �婪陌誑蔽漯黕講N結,但經 1500 ℃燒結 2 hrs 後,CaF �茨洹t量在 0.5wt% 以下的試樣會有明顯促進燒結收縮的效果。Al �� O �陛� CaF �紊N結體中所含的結 晶相僅為α - Al �� O �偵P CaO.6Al �� O �婪迭C CaF �洩熔K加會導致燒結體中部份 Al �� O �婪降穨鰲僕伝� [1120] 方向成長為柱狀;且柱狀晶粒的含量隨著 CaF �租K加量的增 加而增加。 此外,Al �� O �陛� CaF �紊N結體中反應生成之 CaO.6Al �� O �健|產生體積 的膨脹,而於冷卻過程中, 會因 CaO.6Al �� O �偵Pα - Al �� O �婪迨尬鶹接�係數之不 同,而導致局部應力的產生,因而造成晶粒內差排的滑移並堆積於次晶界處。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, Al�烙�軒nd CaF�畝re selected as the matrix and additive, respectively. The effect of CaF �茨� on microstructive of Al �� O �� ceramics are investigated. Results indicated that the Al �� O �婪迭� CaF �� composites sintered at 1500 ℃ /2hrs in air contained two phases of Al �� O �� iand CaO.6Al O ��. The presence of CaF �� in Al �� O �� slowed remarkabl the densification during sintering, but in the final stage of sintering the amount of CaF �� less than 0.5wt% showed a positive effect on densification. However, it was believed that the presence of CaF �� in the starting powder plays decisive role for triggering abnormal grain growth of Al �� O �� to develop the elongated grains toward the [1120] direction. Since the thermal expansion coefficient between CaO.6Al �� O �� and Al �� O �� are different, significant stresses could arise in Al �� O �陛� CaF �� composities. If the CaO6.Al �� O �� forms only locally the growth stresses would arise that needed to be accommodared by dislocation glide. Then the dislocation would pile-up at subgrain boundaries. |