題 名 | 國小美勞教育之目標與實踐=The Goals and Execution of Our Elementary Arts Education |
作 者 | 劉振源; | 書刊名 | 國教學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁181-210 |
分類號 | 523.37 |
關鍵詞 | 國小; 美勞教育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 美術教育可分為下列三種來加以考察。 1為美術的教育:培養美術家為目的等於職業教育。 2有關美術的教育:向社會人推廣美術為目的的社會教育。 3透過美術的教育:利用美術的創作與鑑賞,企圖藉此培養全人為目的的教 育。 本文所探討的就是以第三種國民教育為範疇,不包括大專院校美術系的職 業教育。而且不追隨外國的教學方式,立腳於本土而考案出適合於臺灣的美術 教育目標和方法。並把其向全國推廣而達到世界一流的教育水準為最後希望。 我的方法是先以前瞻性的眼光透視未來臺灣社會的生活狀況,也就是給予 現在的兒童做應付未來社會的教育。讓我們的教育能飛躍的進步。如此相信就 能跟經濟成長一樣,我們的教育也會很快超越世界的先進國家了。 因此先推想即將進入已開發國家的臺灣人,所應具備的條件是要有那些呢? 一、該具備高尚而健全的人格。 二、能活用頭腦,具有創造力的人。 三、能正確熟練的處理周遭生活上的問題。 四、有教餐、能瞭解藝術能享受正當消遣活動。 為培養上述人間像,美勞教育目標就該定為 一、培養健全的人格 二、開發潛在的腦力 三、增強處理周遭事物的生活力 四、指導理解與欣賞藝術的能力 為達到上述美勞科的教育目的,我們必須重新編選能達成目標的有效教材。 因為教育目標變了,我們的教材內容就不再侷限於造形方面的知識和技巧。我 們把複雜多項的教材整理歸納為 一、開發腦力的教材。美勞科所能開發的腦力有a.觀察力、b.記憶力、c. 表現力、d.注意力、e.歸納判斷力、f.思考想像力、9幻想力、h.創造力等。 二、有關造形要素與原理的教材。包括a.畫面構成、b.色彩的學習、c.單 純化的學習、d.立體感,空間感、e.材料與技能的練習、f.原理原則的學習等。 三、有關欣賞與技術的教材。包括a.畫的內容、b.構圖、c.獨創性、d.色 彩的強度與調子、e.表現的生動。 四、培養性格的材料。包括a.興趣與信心、b.計劃性、c.恆心與耐心、d. 專心與責任感、e.自立自主的習性。 把複雜的美術教材就限定為上述四項,自幼稚園直到小學六年級反覆學習 直到熟練為止。但是要學習的題材就無限的多。 新美術教育推行之成功與否,教學法是重要的關鍵。新美術教育所採取的 教學法,必須是富有創造性與啟發性的教學法。今把其它重要原則列於後:a.應 以兒童的興趣為重、b.處處考慮性格的培養和腦力的開發、c.尊重兒童、d.尊 重創造,排除模仿。 以上是我個人對臺灣國小美勞教育的一點小看法,需要大家的鞭策與指教, 同時若能獲取拋磚引玉之效,誠感三生有幸了。 |
英文摘要 | Arts education can be divided into three aspects when we approach it from different perspectives: 1. "For arts" education is to train professional artists. This can be categorized as vocational training. 2. "About arts" education is to introduce the arts to the general public. This can be categorized as social education. 3. "Through arts" education is to attempt an holistic education in the process of creating or appreciating art works. This is a actually a form of civil education. The scope of this report is limited to the last approach. We do not intend to include the professional education offered in colleges and universities. Neither are we going to follow the models previously set by foreign countries. Instead, we will base our report on the local realities and try to establish the goals, along with the ways to reach these goals, from a Taiwanese perspective and try to promote our ideas to the rest of the country in the hope that Taiwan's education system can finally join the ranks of those of the highly developed countries. Our model begins with a forward-looking examination of the future Taiwanese society. In other words, we have to provide today's children with the right education for them to cope with the future social environment. Only in this way can our education make the same progress as our economics and finally catch up with other advanced countries. Therefore, we must first come up with the qualities a Taiwanese citizen is suppose to possess when our country is entering the realm of developed countries. In my opinion, such a person must: 1.develop a decent and healthy personal character. 2.be imaginative and creative. 3.be able to deal with problems in their daily lives. 4.display good manners, can appreciate the arts and enjoy proper leisure activities. In order to facilitate the formation of these qualities, it is only logical that the goals of arts education be defined as: 1.To cultivate well-balanced characters; 2.To unearth the students' potential talents; 3.To enhance the students' vitality in dealing with the surrounding environment; 4.To increase the students' understanding and appreciation of aesthetic objects. Now that the goals are established, we need to re-construct our teaching contents to effectuate the accomplishment of our goals. With the goals different, we should no longer restrict our classes to the knowledge and skills of form-styling. Hereafter, we will try to classify the all-too-diversified teaching contents into the following trapes: 1.Mind-training. The mind-capacities arts education can help develop include: a) visual perception, b) memory, c) presentation of ideas, d) concentration, e) analytical judgment, f) logical thinking and imagination, g) fantasizing, h) creativity. 2.Elements and theories of forms. Instructions of this type include: a) composition, b) study of colors, c)simplified learning, d) sense of space, e) familiarization of materials and skills, f) acquisition of theories and principles. 3.Appreciation of skills. This includes instructions about a work's: a) content, b) structure, c) originality, d) brightness and tones of colors, e) dynamics and effectiveness. 4.Personal character formation. Instructions of this type includes the cultivation of students': a) interests and self-confidence, b) organization, c). patience and persistence, d) attention and responsibility, e) independence. We should organize the content of our arts education according to the above framework, and have the students rehearse the same drill to the point of perfection. On the other hand, while the framework contains only four types of instruction, the actual activities in the classroom know no boundaries. Whether this new model of arts education succeed or not depends to a large degree on the instruction methods used. The teaching method chosen to put the new model into practice must be one that is both enlightening and original. Here is an attempt in enumerating the key principles involved: 1) the method must put a premium on the interests of students; 2) it needs to take character-forming and mind-training as the first priorities; 3) it must take the children's feelings into consideration; 4) it has to value originality and denounce imitation. The above are some propositions and ideas concerning the arts education in Taiwan at the elementary school level. Apparently, they in no way constitute a complete and perfect solution. The only thing I hope to achieve with this report is to encourage and stimulate better ideas from its readers. I would be much obliged to see more people contributing to the same after my attempt. |