題 名 | 以電話鍵盤輸入英文字母之實證研究=An Empirical Study on Alphabetic Input on Telephone Keypad |
作 者 | 王超弘; | 書刊名 | 工業工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 14:3 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁287-293 |
分類號 | 312.23、312.23 |
關鍵詞 | 電話語音系統界面; 語音系統界面; 利用電話鍵盤來輸入英文字母; Interactive voice response systems; Phone-based interfaces; Methods for alphabetic input; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在國內電話語音系統的使用已經愈來愈普遍。但是有關這一方面的研究卻是相當 缺乏,例如:如何有效率地利用電話鍵盤來輸入英文字母。在本文中將透過實驗的方法來找 尋這一方面的答案。在實驗中,以鍵盤上有與沒有英文字母資訊來劃分成兩種作業環境;自 變數為輸入法,共有四個水準分別為台鐵法、健保法、頂列法、與同列法。實驗結果顯示, 若鍵盤上有英文字母資訊時以頂列法來輸入為佳;若鍵盤上沒有英文字母資訊時以台鐵法來 輸入為佳。此外,為避免造成使用上的不方便,輸入法的統一是有其必要性的。 |
英文摘要 | Although the use of interactive voice response systems is mushrooming in Taiwan, studies on the phone-based interface to these interactive voice response systems are scarce. For example, how can we efficiently enter alphabetic information using telephone keypads ﹖ In this paper, we construct an experiment to compare four methods for alphabetic input (booking method of train ticket, reserved method of health insurance, top-row method, and same-row method) using two kinds of telephone keypads (only number information on the keypad, both alphabet and number information on the keypad). The experimental results indicate:(1)if it has only number information on keypad, the booking method of train ticket is an efficient entering method; (2)if it has both alphabet and number information on keypad, the most efficient entering method is the top-row method. In addition, it is very important to avoid using different methods for alphabetic input in different interactive voice response systems. |