題 名 | 多頻渦電流於中鋼之應用=The Application of Multi-Eddy Current in CSC |
作 者 | 翁德富; 余坤城; | 書刊名 | 技術與訓練 |
卷 期 | 22:4=185 1997.08[民86.08] |
頁 次 | 頁10-15 |
專 輯 | 冶金試驗測試 |
分類號 | 440.12 |
關鍵詞 | 渦電流; 非破壞檢測; 交流電; 交變磁場; 次表面; 熱交換器; Eddy current; Non-destructive testing; Alternate current; Alternate magnetic field; Subsurface; Heat exchanger; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 渦電流( Eddy Current )檢測技術屬於非破壞檢測技術之一種。其主要原理乃 是利用交流電激發線圈產生交變磁場,當線圈靠近可導電性之工件時,將可藉由交變磁場來 誘發工件產生渦電流,吾人可藉由渦電流於工件中因瑕疵而產生之變化,來達到檢測工件表 面或次表面(約 3mm )瑕疵之目的。 本公司動力場、氧氣場及其它各型式之熱交器甚多,在本文中將特別針對渦電流檢測技術於 熱交換管檢測應用之原理與作法,作一敘述,希望能推廣此一技術,使其能更能廣泛的應用 於現場檢測,以達到提昇生產力之目的。 |
英文摘要 | The Eddy Current technique is one of the Non-Destructive Testing methods. The primary theory is to use alternate current to excite coil to generate alternate magnetic field. When the coil approach the conductive specimen it will induce eddy current within the specimen. With the variation of the eddy current in the specimen we can detect the surface or subsurface (about 3mm) flaw within the specimen. In this article we will introduce the theory and field practice of eddy current on heat exchanger in China Steel Corporation. Hope more application on the field. We hope it can be helpful to the plant productivity with the application of eddy current. |