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題 名 | 長期使用局部抗青光眼藥物對結膜之影響=The Influence of Long-Term Antiglaucoma Medications on Conjunctiva |
作 者 | 李世煌; | 書刊名 | 中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 36:1 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁24-30 |
分類號 | 416.748 |
關鍵詞 | 抗青光眼藥物; 結膜組織變化; 青光眼手術; 長期使用; Glaucoma; Fibroblast; Filtering surgery; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臨床上長期點用抗青光眼藥物後,結膜會出現一些組織變化,例如:上皮細胞的 Microvilli 減少、Goblet cell 數目降低、以及球筋膜內炎症細胞增多等。 當這些患者再 接受青光眼手術時,通常濾過手術較易失敗。為了解長期點藥引起之結膜組織變化與青光眼 手術之關係,我們選取無合併其他前眼部疾病之青光眼患者,於手術前先測量該眼之基礎淚 液分泌,並以 Impression cytology 方法, 採取結膜上皮細胞之樣本,依 Nelson 之分類 方法加以分類; 手術中由下穹窿剪取一小塊結膜,供組織切片檢查,以定量結膜中 Goblet cell、及炎症細胞之數目。由這些結果我們發現術前用藥之長短或有無,與結膜細胞之變異 程度無明顯變連,而長期用藥引起的結膜變化也與青光眼手術之成功率無關;青光眼手術之 種類比較會影響手術之成敗,這可能與不同手術引起之炎症反應程度不同有關。 |
英文摘要 | After long-term use of topical antiglaucoma medications, there are some microscopic changes in conjunctiva, such as: goblet cell loss, shortertening of epithelial microvilli, and increased number of inflammatory cells in substantia propria. The clinical significance of these changes is still unknown. In this study, we evaluated the conjunctival changes by impression cytology and biopsy histology in 38 glaucoma and 23 cataract patients. Basic tear secretion and the duration of medical treatment were determined also. From these studies, we found that the duration of medical treatment had no significant effect on basic tear secretion or the degree of conjunctival metaplasia. The number of conjunctival goblet cells or inflammatory cells also had no significant change after long-term use of topic antiglaucoma medications. Patients who recieved combined glaucoma and cataract surgery had significantly lower sucessful rate than those who received simple glaucoma surgery, but these two group patients had no significant difference in conjunctival structures. These findings suggest that preoperative conjunctival changes may have no significant effect of glaucoma surgery. |