題 名 | 骨骼肌損傷的機制及其預防兼論運動負荷的安排問題=The Mechanism and Preventuon of Skeletal Muscle Injury in Relation to Work Load |
作 者 | 盧鼎厚; 黃啟煌; | 書刊名 | 國立體育學院論叢 |
卷 期 | 7:2 1997.04[民86.04] |
頁 次 | 頁1-15 |
分類號 | 528.9013 |
關鍵詞 | 骨骼肌損傷; 運動負荷; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 用電子顯微鏡和免疫電子顯微鏡觀察超過習慣性負荷後,人類骨骼肌收縮結構和 收縮蛋白定位延遲性變化的結果提示:超過習慣性負荷後延遲發生的骨骼肌收縮蛋白的降解 優勢,導致收縮結構的改變或解體。這種收縮結構的改變成為後繼訓練工作的主要背景。如 後繼訓練能促進收縮蛋白的合成,則可促進收縮結構的恢復和增強;如導致收縮蛋白降解優 勢的累積和穩定,將引起收縮結構變化的累積和穩定,而導致野骼肌的慢性或急性損傷。這 種變化的過渡性和雙向發展的可能性提示:在未形成穩定的變化之前,其變化性質是生理的 或是生理 / 病理雙向變化過渡的性質。 骨骼肌損傷的預防,主要在於是否根據承受能力的 可能性,而適當地安排訓練負荷。 |
英文摘要 | Alterations of contractile structure which resulted from predominant degradation of contractile protein after excessive work load constitute the background of the succeeding load. Linder optimal arrangement, the contractile structure can be resumed and strengthened. However, if the succeeding load results in the accumulation and stabilization of alterations ofthe contractile structure, the chronic injuries of muscles will occur or predispose one to acute injuries in case of sudden violent stress. Since the changes of contractile protein structures after excessive load are reversible and transient, no permanent pathological changes are formed, but these changes may be regarded as being physiological or at the most within the transitional zone between physiological and pathological ranges. It is thus clear that rational scheduling of work loads is crucial to the prevention of injuries of skeletal muscles. |