題 名 | 我國體育管理學門專業課程之編擬=Developing a Model Curriculum in Sports Administration for Taiwan, Republic of China |
作 者 | 黃金柱; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 1 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁15-58 |
分類號 | 523.37 |
關鍵詞 | 體育管理學門; 專業課程; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的主要目在依據國內體育專業和實務人員所認定的課程內容領域和職業能 力,以編擬體育管理課程範本。 本研究工具為修訂自 Farmer (1988) 的「體育管理學門專 業課程問卷」, 間巷並經由五位專家團成員的確認。 本研究問卷包含 42 道能力項目、45 道課程內容項目和 4 道與專業發展方向有關連的項目。 受試對象以李孝特五分量表,從非 常重要到非常不重要,針對每一能力和課程內容項目作反應。本研究於民國八十年十二月十 五日至八十一年元月十日期間進行,總共得到 451 份有效問卷,受試對象分成下列四人類: 囗教育機關暨學校行政主管,(2) 體育專業教育機構教師,(3) 各級政府單位或民間體育組 織暨學校之體育專業人員,以及 (4) 學校與教育機構外之運動經營管理人員。 調查結果以 下列統計程序進行分析: 因素分析 (factor anaIys- is)、t 考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異 數分析、皮爾遜積差相關和 Cronbach a 信度係數。受試對象能力項目和分量表反應的內部 一致性信度,分別從 0 . 9376 到 0.9336 和從 0.8687 到 0.4344。對課程內容項目和分 量表反應的內部一致性信度,分別從 0.95 57 到 0.9544 和從 0.8800 到 0.6968。本研究 的重要研究結果確證了下列事實: 1. 有 26 項能力,被評為是重要的 (平均數在 4.0 以上 者 ),其中被評為最重要的是「領導技巧」,被評為最不重要的為「課稅」。 2. 有 23 項 課程, 被評為重要的 (平均在 4.0 以上著 ),其中被評為最重要的是「場地設施設計」, 被評為最不重要的為「會計、。 3. 全部受試對象對職業能力分量表的重要性評量,與對課 程內容分量表的評量有顯著相關存在。 4. 本研究認定我國體育管理人員應具備的能力,分 屬下列九大構面 (因素 ): 「支配與規劃」、「運動行銷和法律層面」、「場地設施管理與 採購」、「組織管理和公共關係」、「溝通」、「一般企業經營」、「運動研究」、「人員 管理」和「資訊管理」。我國體育管理學門應有的課程內容,分屬下列八大構面: 「運動行 為層面和運動計劃的實施」、「企業管理」、「運動管理組織技巧」、「資訊傳遞」、「未 命名」、「場地設施管理和運動計劃或事業的實施」、「組織發展」和「運動計劃設計」。 5. 受試對象對能力和課程內容重要性評量,因專業人員類別的不同而有不同的反應。6. 四 人類別專業人員和體育實務人員對能力和課程內容分量表的重要性評量,有顯著差異存在。 根據受試象對課程內容的評量結果, 本研究提出我國設置體育管理學門 (系 ) 時可據以參 考的課程範本 (model curricrlum)。 這種課程範本包含下列內容領域: 核心課程 (含基礎 、應用和實務經驗 ) 和選修課程 (含基礎、應用和實務經驗 )。 本研究最後並提出與體育 管理學門計畫有關連和未來從事類似研究時的建議。 |
英文摘要 | The primary purpose of this research was to develop a model curriculum in sports administration based upon necessary occupational competencies and cuourse content areas identified by practicing professionals in Taiwan. A structured questionnarie instrument, validated by a jury of five Taiwan experts, consisting of 42 competencies, 45 course contents, and four questions relative to the direction for the establishment of sports adminsitration programs, was mailed to subjects. Respondents rated each competency and course content using a five-point Likert scale ranging from Extremely not important (1) to Extremely importan (5). A total of 451 completed questionnaires wer obtained, comprising educational administrators, professional physical educators, practitioners, and sport managers in non-educational settings. The statistical procedures used were Factor Analysis, ANOVA, t-test, chi-square, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha. The Cronbach's alpha for individual competency item and competency subscale was from 0.9376 to 0.9336 and 0.8687 to 0.4344 respectively; for individual content item and subscale, was from 0.9557 to 0.9544 and 0.8800 to 0.6968 respectively. Three separate hypotheses were explored: (a) Interrelationships between competency and content subscale across all respondents and type of professionals; (b) Group contrasts of importance ratings for each competency and course content item across type of professionals; and (c) Group contrasts of importance ratings for each competency and course content subscale across type of professionals, categories of practitiioners, and category of majors. The major findings of this study confirmed that: (1) There were 26 competencies that were rated important with the highest "Leadership skills" to the lowest "Taxation" according to the acceptance criterion of a mean of 4.000 or greater; (2) There were 23 curricula content that were rated important with the highest "Facilities Design" to the lowest "Accounting" according to the acceptance criterion of mean of 4.000 or greater; (3) The importance ratings of all the respondents and type of professionals regarding the occupational competencies subscale correlated summarily and significantly with that of importance ratings in relation to curricula content subscale; (4) Nine underlying competency constructs and eight curricula content constructs were identified; (5) Competencies and curricula content importance are affected by type of professionals; (6) Significant contrasts in the level of importance of competencies and curricula content subscales were summarily demonstrated for type of professionals and categories of practitioners. Based on these findings, a formal undergraduate curriculum for the professional preparation of sports administrators or managers in Taiwan was formulated. |