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題 名 | 建築系大學部電腦輔助設計教育之調查研究=A Survey Study of Architecture Undergraduate Cad Education |
作 者 | 施乃中; 沈宗樺; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 21 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁101-118 |
分類號 | 920.3 |
關鍵詞 | 電腦輔助建築設計; 規劃設計自動化; 建築教育; Computer-aided architecture design; Design automation; Architecture education; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文調查分析建築系大學部電腦輔助建築設計課程及環境。調查涵蓋88%之臺灣大 學及專科學校,調查資料包括電腦輔助設計課程之教學方法及方向。電腦相關課程共區分為 四層級,研究內容除各層級選課要求及層級間整合調查和評估外,亦含電腦相關設施如硬體 、軟體、及電腦空間之評估和分析。調查中教師意見反應了預算、設施、資歷、設計資訊處 理、設計方法、及業界需求有關之問題。本調查結論認為建築系除應用導向之電腦課程外應 提供支援課程、提供支援設計內容表達之電腦圖學課程、提供與電腦設施管理相關課程內容 、以及整合電腦課程以支援設計課。為模擬建築專業之環境,設計課應具備多媒體設計簡報 、虛擬實境模擬、合作式設、網路、... 等之設施。一般而言,電腦輔助設計環境應利用今 日科技,提供學生一更寬廣有用之課程學習環境。 |
英文摘要 | This paper investigates and analyzes teching courses and environments of computer-aided design in department of architecture at the undergraduate level. Survey was made of 88% of ROC Taiwan's universities and professional institutes. Survey data include teaching methods and orientations of CAD courses. Computer-related courses are classified into four levels. Pre-requirements and course integration of the four levels was investigated and evaluated. Facilities consisting of hardware, software, and computing sites were evaluated and analyzed. Instuctor's comments reveal problems in budgets and facilities, qualification, design information processing, design method, and demand in practice. The survey concludes that departments should provide supporting courses in addition to application-oriented ones, computer graphics courses to support presentation of design contents, courses in management of computer facilities, and integrated CAD courses to assist studio needs. To simulate a professional environment, design studios should have facilities available in multimedia design presentation, virtual reality, collaborative design, networking, etc. In general, a CAD environment should be planned to take advantages of today's technology, and a learning channel of courses should be provided to students with broader and more useful contents. |