- 臺大醫院婦產科超音波發展史
- 立體超音波的原理與臨床應用
- Doppler Velocimetry Measurements in Obstetrics: Preliminary Report on New Methodology
- The Effect of Changes in the Internal Structure of a Schooling Fish on the Estimation Efficiency by Acoustic Methods
- The Use of Stationary Hydroacoustic Transducer to Study Diel and Seasonal Influences on the Distribution of Fish School in Water Adjacent to the Cooling Water Intake of Nuclear Power Plant III
- 婦產科醫師的第三隻眼﹣﹣超音波檢查
- 超音波在婦產科方面診斷上之應用
- 醫學新利器--超音波在婦產科診斷的應用
- 醫學新利器--超音波在婦產科診斷的應用
- 醫學新利器--超音波在婦產科診斷的應用