題 名 | 大陸養豬發展中的問題和基本途徑=The Development of Modern Pig Production in China: Current Problems and Approach |
作 者 | 陳潤生; 楊天樹; | 書刊名 | 臺灣農業 |
卷 期 | 33:2 1997.04[民86.04] |
頁 次 | 頁87-92 |
分類號 | 437.658 |
關鍵詞 | 大陸; 養豬業; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著經濟的發展,大陸的養豬產業,必然從農家副業的飼養方式,逐步邁入集約化和規模化企業生產的形態。這種趨勢,不僅意味著數量的擴充,更重要的是品質的提升。目前,大陸養豬除了要解決如何提高飼養週轉率(出欄率)、增加屠宰體重及改善屠體瘦肉率等技術問題之外,也要在經濟的層面上,維持適當的豬價、保證合理的飼養利潤,以推動產業改革。 大陸發展集約化養豬的途徑,應就外銷、內銷(包括大城市、中等城市及縣鄉農村)不同市場的需求為區隔,充份地利用現有的豐富品種資源,生產不同等級瘦肉型的豬隻,以符合消費形態的差異。此外,全面提升豬群的繁殖效率、飼養週轉率,以及適當擴大經營規模,以利資金、技術及管理的投入,都是提升生產效率的當然措舉。 未來數年,大陸的豬肉需求每年估計增長 5%,而發展方針是在不增加或適當減少在養頭數的條件下,依靠提高產能來達成目標。加速技術和管理的研發、轉移及應用,以促進產業集約化來提高經濟效益,才是滿足年增長需求的正確政策導向。 |
英文摘要 | Pig production in China has been encourged by the recent robust economy to produce more and to increase its productivity. The production system is rapidly transforming from extensive to intensive, indicated not only by the enlarging, centralizing, or specializing of operations, but also by a shift to greater commercialzation and more reliance on a market-oriented system. This will result in a more efficient, less costly and lower commodity priced system. Current efforts mainly emphasize the improvement of production variables such as turnover rate, carcass weight, and lean percentage. In addition, an attempt to reform a free market system is also being specially stressed. According to their different needs, the pork market in China can be divided into export, major metropolis, city, and town/rural categories. Every operation, thus, should find its own market niche, based on the availability of resources and the capability of the production. The expanding purchases and increasing demands for quality from consumers will continue to favor the input of capital, technology, and management into production, and to facilitate the whole system to be more intensive. It is estimated that the pork commodity needs in China will further grow by 5% annually in the coming several years. This production increase should be achieved by elevating production efficiency rather than by expanding the feeding population. This approach means more reliance on technology and management under appropriate and conductive policies for development, transfer, and adoption. |