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題 名 | 長期照護中主要照顧者之家庭功能、社會支持與情緒=Perceived Family Function, Social Support and Emotion among Caregivers in Long-term Care |
作 者 | 林麗嬋; 歐美; 吳肖琪; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 5:1 1997.02[民86.02] |
頁 次 | 頁77-87 |
分類號 | 419.7 |
關鍵詞 | 主要照顧者; 家庭功能; 社會支持; 情緒; Caregiver; Family function; Social support; Emotion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在:(1) 比較不同照護模式中主要照顧者家庭功能、社會支持與正、負向情緒之感受。(2)探討主要照顧者家庭功能、社會支持與正、負向情緒之關係。本研究共分為預試與主要施測兩階段。第一階段30名研究對象被用來檢定研究工具之信度。第二階段87名研究對象來自:(1)參與衛生署實驗計劃方案之護理之家、日間照護中心及醫院附設之居家照護單位中年滿65歲以上老人的家庭主要照顧者。(2)能聽懂國語或臺語。(3)可以進行語言溝通。所收集之資料以描述性分析、ANOVA及Pearson相關分析。研究結果顯示:不同照顧模式中的家庭主要照顧者其家庭功能與社會支持感受無統計上的顯著差異(F(��,�l)=.25,F (��,�l)=.33,P >.05)。居家照護和護理之家的家庭主要照顧者的正向情緒得分顯著高於日間照護(F(��,�l)=3.43,p<.05)。但在負向情緒方面則未達統計的顯著差異(F(��,�l)=3.09,p=.05)。至於各研究變項的關係,家庭功能與社會支持感受的相關為.52(p<.05),社會支持感受與正向情緒的相關為.20(p<.05),正向情緒與負向情緒的相關為.-28(p<.05),上述結果顯示有顯著相關。未來建議鼓勵社區喘息照顧的設置以及成立社區式養護機構,以便家屬能隨時探望。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this research were:(1) to compare the difference of family function, social support, positive affect and negative affect in family caregivers. (2) to investigate the relationships among family function, social support, positive affect and negative affect in family caregivers. The research consisted two Stages, a pilot and a planned major study. In stage one, 30 family caregivers were used to test the reliability of instruments used. In stage two, 87 family caregivers were from family caregivers of older people who met the following three requirements (1) to be 65 years old or older and to reside in a nursing home, to attend a day care program or receive home care; (2) to be able to understand the Mandarin or Taiwanese language; (3) to be capable of verbal communication. There was no significant difference of family function and social support among different long-term care models (F(��,�l)=.25,F(��,�l)=.33,p>.05). Home care and nursing home had significantly higher score on positive affect than that in daycare (F(��,�l)=.3.43, p<.05).However, there was no significant difference of negative affects among different long-term care models (F(��,�l)=3.09, p=.05). The significant correlation between family funciton with social support was .52(p<.05),social support with positive affect was.20 (p<.05) , positive with negative affect was-.28(p<.05).Recommendations deived from this study include to provide respite care for caregivers and establish community-based institution for the elderly. |