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題 名 | 臺灣發展成為亞太媒體中心的步驟與實踐=The Practices and Procedures of Developing Taiwan as a Media Center in the Asia-Pacific Region |
作 者 | 李天鐸; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 19 1997.01[民86.01] |
頁 次 | 頁71-93 |
分類號 | 557.77 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 亞太媒體中心; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文撰寫的目的乃試圖在國內衛星、有線等多頻道電視媒介以及相關媒體產業蓬 勃發展,且國家行政體系亟欲拓展我國媒體市場空間之際,將亞太地區各國發展媒體產業的 現狀作詳細之分析,並將之與臺灣媒體發展條件作一比較,以瞭解政府與業者仍有待努力和 改進的方向,並分別對政府和民間單位可做之努力做出實際之建議。國內媒體的發展一直未 能公平和具有一定規範,在長期的嚴密管制之後,衛星和有線電視等新媒體的出現便在極短 的時間之內緊緊抓住眾多的收視觀眾,頻道數的眾多形成了對外來節目的強烈需求而國內媒 體空間也成為國際媒體相當看好的市場,紛紛以頻道或個別節目帶的方式將節目投入國內, 新加坡和澳洲等國家甚至以國家力量支持其國內媒體向亞太地區進軍,成為我國媒體發展的 強勢競爭者。臺灣發展媒體產業的條件若與各國相較,在土地、進口稅率、專業人才、金融 條件等方面略遜於亞太各國,但是具有亞太市場語言和文化上的優勢,具備衛星電視市場基 礎、科技與電腦人才充裕,在投資優惠和關稅減免上也作了一些調整,雖不一定能成為亞太 地區唯一之媒體中心,但仍然具有相當的競爭力和發展空間。由於我國發展媒體事業有眾多 的競爭者並仍有眾多經營條件有待改善、資源有待整合,因此亟需政府力量的積極投入,在 重視媒體文化內涵的前提之下去發展媒體經濟,從整體層面發展媒體產業,以提昇國內節目 自製做為出口的基礎,並適宜地修改法令和行政規定、限制外資投資比例、鼓勵節目自製和 出口,積極培育人才協助業者將產業升級。而在業者方面,則可以對已達足夠利基的國內市 場製作節目,以自製或版權的取得做為出口的基礎,並應該注意國內外市場發展的趨勢,各 媒體產業之間可以朝向整合的方向發展,同時不將市場劃地自限於亞洲,以多元而活潑的行 銷方法和管道向外推出節目。唯有政府與民間共同的努力,才是落實「亞太媒體中心」計畫 的關鍵動力。 |
英文摘要 | The new distribution technologies such as cable and satellite have brought great changes to media industries and to media policies in the Asia-Pacific region. Many countries are now planning to integrate their forces to build their own regional media centers. This research will analyze how these countries improve their media markets and media policies, compare their conditions with Taiwan's media environment, and finally make suggestions for Taiwan's policcy makers and media operators. Taiwan has been through a long term of close broadcasting regulation. When cable and satellite start to grow up in Taiwan, they soon attract millions of television audience. As distribution channel increases, more and more programmes are needed. Many foreign program suppliers and channel operators begin to sell and produce their productions to the local markets. To examine the situation, Singapore and Australis even begin to think how to integrate state forces to strengthen media industry in order to compete with foreign and regional competitors. Compare Taiwan's conditions with neighboring Asia-Pacific countries, Taiwan has the advantage of language, culture, distribution technologies, etc., but it also has many things needed to be improved. For example, it should reduce the import tariff rates, cultivate more production expertise, and liberate monetary market. In general, Taiwan Still remains competitive in becoming one of the regional media centers. The practices and procedures of developing Taiwan as a media center can be discussed in two ways. For the policy makers, the ressarch suggests the broadcasting policies and statutes should be adjusted appropriately, foreign investments on media industry should be restricted, government should also encourage program productions and exportation, and cultivate media expertise. For the media operators, the research suggests that they should concentrate on the production infrastructure, notice the tendoncy of foreign programmed markets, stretch the vertical integration, and marketing the productions aggressively to other countries. Only by mutual cooperation of policy makers and media operators, the regional media center can be soon established in Taiwan in the near future. |