題 名 | 對中共部署一九九七年春運工作之研析--兼論大陸民工流動問題=Transportation on the Mainlandd for Laborers from the Countryside to Return Home for Family-Reunions during 1997 Chinese Lunar New Year Vacation |
作 者 | 黃蘭心; | 書刊名 | 中共研究 |
卷 期 | 31:2=362 1997.02[民86.02] |
頁 次 | 頁51-57+左1-2 |
分類號 | 556.92 |
關鍵詞 | 春運工作; 大陸; 民工潮; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 九十年代以來,大陸民工潮規模不斷擴大,雖對經濟、社會發展帶來若干正面影 響,然而對城市、社會生活和交通秩序亦產生相當程度的負面影響。尤其每年春節前後民工 潮更對交通運輸能力形成一大考驗。中共於是針對民工情況進行調研,並於一九九三年提出 「城鄉就業協調計劃」,嗣後中共國務院每年例必召開會議部署春運工作,提出工作要求及 具體措施,並對國務院各部賦與任務,期能有效疏導春節民工潮。此外,中共亦提出要根本 解決農村勞動力流動的源頭,加強中西部地區農村基礎設施建設,惟因民工輸出省區仍認為 外出打工為脫貧捷徑。故若主客觀環境不能改善,民工潮將持續出現。 |
英文摘要 | In the 1990s, more and more laborers from rural areas keep flooding into the cities of mainland China. the phenomenon not only has had positive influences upon economic and soical development but has also produced some negative effects on the lifesystle and traffic order of cities and the whole society. it is a severe trial for mainland China's transportation capacity that a great number of rural laborers working in the city struggle to reutrn home for family-reunions during Chinese lunar new year. Proposing the "Project for balancing the employement between city and countryside" after a special survey on the above situation, the State council of the PRC convenes and ad hoc meeting every year to lay down some work requirments and concrete measures and also assings tasks to its subordinate units in hope of relieving the flood of laborers in the spring festival. Although the PRC government has tried to completely slove the problem by promoting the infrastructure of rural areas in the mid-western regions to reduce the migrating of laborers, the local governments of these regions still think that exporting laborers is the shortcut to solve poverty. If such a situation remains unchanged, there is no way to find a solution to the problem. |