題 名 | 勞動契約之合意終止與附解除條件勞動契約之限制=Termination by Agreement' under the Employment Contract and Restriction of 'The Employment Contract with Terminating Conditions' |
作 者 | 郭玲惠; | 書刊名 | 臺灣社會研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 24 1996.11[民85.11] |
頁 次 | 頁41-78 |
專 輯 | 勞工研究專題 |
分類號 | 556.84 |
關鍵詞 | 單身條款; 禁孕條款; 契約自由之原則; 同意權; 工作權; 正當理由; 附解除條件勞動契約; 合意終止勞動契約; 合意終止; 限制之必要性; 憲法上之保障; 合意終止權; 強行或禁止規定; 德國之發展; 公序良俗; 公共秩序之判斷基準; 善良風俗之判斷基準; 誠實信用原則; 誠實信用原則之具體化; 正當信賴; 手段相當性; Restrictive marriage clause; single clause; Restrictive pregnancy clause; Contract freedom; The right of consent; The right of work; Proper reasons; Employment contract terminating conditions; Employment contract terminated by agreement; Termination by agreement; Necessity of restriction; Constitutional protection; The right of termination by agreement; Compulsory provision; prohibition; German development; Public order and good convention; Criteria of public order; Criteria of good convention; Good faith; To concrete good; Faith; Proper reliance; Equivalence of measures; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 女性加入勞動市場,已成為現代社會普遍的現象。然而「結婚即須離職」(單身條 款)、「懷孕即須離職」(禁孕條款)、「年滿三十歲即須自動辭職」……等等等款,似乎仍然存 在。針對此問題,司法院、最高法院及學者間,曾先後依據憲法、民法及勞工法之規定,提 出該條款「無效」之見解,但是礙於相關法令的不明確,似乎仍無法徹底的解決該問題。如 何 確明其界線及範圍,以避免「契約自由」之原則淪為規避法律之工具,實為當務之急。因此, 作者嘗試於文中,由實務上較常遇到的幾個例子著手,針對此勞動契約之事後合意解除或終 止之情形,作進一步之探討,以期提出解決之可能途徑。 |
英文摘要 | In modern society, the entrance of women to the labor market has been a common phenomenon. However, in contemporary Taiwan there have still edxisted many cases with unfair clauses, such as 'quitting after the marriage' (restrictive marriage clause); 'dismissing after the pregnancy' (restrictive pregnancy clause); and 'voluntay leave after the age limit of thirty'; …… and etc. although the Judicial Yuan, the Supreme Court and the scholars, based upon the relevant provisions of the Constitution, the Civil Law and the Labor Law, have clarified that those clauses are 'ineffective' or 'invalid' in order to resolve the problem aforementioned, a final settlement has still been remote owing to the uncertainties of the related law and regulations. Thus, how to set a lear border and the restrictions on 'the contract freedom as the escape from law' has been the first target. In term of this, from the several cases occurred, this essay attempts to analyze the crucial problems under the employment contract annulled or determinated by agreement, and to provide the possibilities of a reasonable settlement. |