題 名 | 黃庭堅「乙西宜州家乘」疏証=An Annotated Commentary on Huang Ting Chien's Family Record: I-Chou, 1105 |
作 者 | 黃啟方; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 14:2 民85.冬 |
頁 次 | 頁1-28+左1-2 |
分類號 | 782.851 |
關鍵詞 | 黃庭堅; 家乘; 北宋; Huang Ting-chien; Family record; Northern Sung; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《乙酉宜州家乘》系北宋大詩人、大書法家黃庭堅(一○四五-一一○五)在宋 徽宗崇寧四年乙酉被罪編管宜州(今廣西宜山)時所寫的日記。按:陸游《老學庵筆記》卷 三記:「黃魯直有日記,謂之家乘。至宜州,猶不輟書。」又羅大經《鶴林玉露、地集、家 乘》:「山谷晚年日錄,題曰家乘。取孟子晉之乘之意也。」 則「家乘」一詞蓋庭堅始創,於譜牒之事,別樹一面。據陸說,是庭堅平素即有「家乘」之 作,至宜州猶然,據羅說,則「家乘」係黃庭堅「晚年」之作。今所見則自是「乙酉」年在 「宜州」所記。 庭堅卒於「乙酉」年九月三十日,《家乘》則自當年正月初一記至至八月二十九日,扣除缺 佚,實得二百三十日。此二百三十日間庭堅之生活狀況所記極詳,然無一語及於政事或個人 恩怨。已故史學家趙鐵寒先生是唯一曾注意黃氏此一《家乘》者,並曾撰文發表於《大陸雜 誌》,惟僅作概括介紹,又不免有臆測之處。《家乘》文字簡要,並多食品名目,不加疏解 ,頗難通讀。茲參考黃庭堅相關詩文及其年譜,對此《家乘》作全面之點讀,並於記事加以 疏証,分析,以對此空前之作,有確切了解,亦有助於知人論事云。 |
英文摘要 | Family Record: I-Chou is the diary written by the great poet and calligrapher of the Northern Sung, Huang T'ing Chien, during the Heh-Ts'ung reign of 1105, while in exile in I-Chou (present-day I-Shan in Kuang-Hs'i). Lu Yu's Lao Hsueh An, volume 3, records that: "Huang Lu Chen (a penname for Huang T'ing Chien) kept a diary and called it Chia Sheng, or 'Family Record.' When he got to I-Chou he still kept writing." Lo Ta Ching's entry under Chia Sheng in the Geography section of his Helin Yulu also notes: "A diary from the later years of Shan Ku (also Huang T'ing Chien), by the title of Chia Sheng ('Family Record'). The name derives from the Mencian expression 'Records (Sheng) of the Jin.'" Thus I believe the expression "Family Record" was coined by Huang T'ing Chien as a way of adding another aspect to geneology. According to Lu, Huang commonly had a work entitled "Family Record" of which he retained the title once he got to I-Chou; according to Lo, however, "Family Record" is a work of Huang's "later years." That which we see here is what was recorded in 1105 at I-Chou. Huang T'ing Chien died on September 30, 1105; "Family Record" is therefore all that was recorded from the first of that year until the 29th of August, excluding gaps, for an actual total of 230 days. These highly detailed records of the circumstances of 230 days of Huang T'ing Chien's life are nonetheless without a single word about politics or personal grievances. The late historian Mr. Chao Tieh Han was the only one ever to notice Huang's "Family Record," moreover publishing an essay on it in "Continental Magazine" (Talu Tsa Chih); however this was only a general introduction, and did not escape speculation in places. The language of "Family Record" is simple and expressive, but at the same time the names of many food items would be hard to communicate to the reader without additional explanation. Presently I refer to Huang's related poetry and writings, as well as to chronicles regarding him, as sources for the complete punctuation of "Family Record," and further add annotations to information recorded therein, in order to provide a more precise understanding of this unparalleled work, and also to help us better understand the man himself. |