- 綃山傳奇--賀雙卿研究之檢討與展望
- 賀雙卿:從書裏面走出來的女詞人
- 逆境中的抒寫--試說賀雙卿其人其詞
- 清代農民女詞人賀雙卿詞心審美--以〈浣溪沙〉〈望江南〉二詞為例
- 賀雙卿研究之回顧與展望
- On Leaves of Prayer--The Life and Poetry of He Shuangqing, a Farmwife Poet in Eighteenth-Century China
- 臺灣地區有關近代中國婦女史的碩博士論文研究評介(1991-1997)
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- 美國史學界有關近代中國婦女史的研究新趨勢
題 名 | 綃山傳奇--賀雙卿研究之檢討與展望=The Story of Xiaoshan: A Review Article of Recent Works on He Shuangqing |
作 者 | 周婉窈; | 書刊名 | 新史學 |
卷 期 | 7:4 1996.12[民85.12] |
頁 次 | 頁159-197 |
分類號 | 826.6 |
關鍵詞 | 雙卿; 賀雙卿; 史震林; 西青散記; 中國婦女史; 女詞人; Shuangqing; He shuangqing; Shi zhenlin; Xiqing sanji; Chinese women history; Ci poetess; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文討論近年來中外學者對著名女詩人(賀)雙卿的研究,並提出未來可 能的研究取徑。筆者首先介紹《西青散記》的作者史震林,以及該書的寫作背景 與文本性質。《西青散記》是(賀)雙卿最初出現的地方,也是唯一的文獻根據。 由於雙卿故事和雙卿詞本身的魅力,雙卿最後走出了《西青散記》,因緣際會成 為鼎鼎有名的出身農人階層的中國女詞人。近年來,隨著中國婦女史研究的再度 興盛,賀雙卿重新受到重視,相關研究頗為可觀。新近的研究受到新興文學理論 與女性主義觀點的影響,解說新穎,但大多有意避開雙卿的虛實問題不談。雖然 也有學者力證雙卿實有其人,但論證頗待商榷。實則雙卿的身世之謎,是「與生 俱來」的,迴避只會使我們的研究有若沙上之浮宮。筆者認為雙卿的虛實問題仍 有待深入研究,為了突破困境,我們必須回到疑問的根源──《西青散記》,並 進一步了解史震林及其交游圈。在寬廣的詮釋視野下,透過嚴格的考證,也許我 們能在史震林等人的集體心靈和美感世界裡發現雙卿的所在。 |
英文摘要 | This article reviews recent works on He Shuangqing IStSyi andproposes some possible approaches toward this subject-matter. I firstdiscuss Shi Zhenlin IKthe author of Xiqing sanji WBB (Random Records of West-Green), the background in which he wrotethese notes, and the nature of the book. Xiqing sanji is where (He)Shuangqing first appears and it is the only known source on her existence.Thanks to the enchanting beauty of her story and her poems (mainly inthe cig form), in due process Shuangqing broke away from Shi's book,assuming a life of her own. She has become renown as a Chinese poetessfrom the peasant class. Riding on the new wave of women studies. He Shuangqing latelyattracted the attention of scholars again, as she once did in the post-MayFourth era. Some interesting works about her have appeared in recentyears, which either analyze Shuangqing's works in the light of newliterary theories and/or look at her life from feminist perspectives. Mostof the authors avoid the question of whether Shuangqing was a realperson or a fictional one. A scholar did endeavor to prove Shuangqing'sactuality, but her arguments are disputable. As a matter of fact, the mystery of Shuangqing is rooted in the way she is introduced to the worldby Xiqing sanji, which is not a question one can legitimately shun. On thecontrary, we shall go back to the origin of the mystery-Xiqing sanji, aswell as to the author and his circle of friends. I believe that a solidunderstanding of Shi Zhenlin and the esthetics and mentality of his circlewill help locate Shuangqing in a world thus far little known to us. |