題 名 | 我國企業績效評估制度的差異比較--以美商、日商和臺商為例=Comparative Study of Performance Appraisal Systems in American Firms, Japanese Firms and Local Firms in Taiwan |
作 者 | 曹國雄; 吳雅芳; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 24:2 1996.04[民85.04] |
頁 次 | 頁23-34 |
分類號 | 494.01 |
關鍵詞 | 績效評估; 組織文化特徵; 權力距離; Performance appraisal; Organizational culture; Power distance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究比較38家美商公司、30家日商公司和92家台商公司績效評估制度在推行方法、目的、成效和文化特徵上的差異結果發現﹒美商公司較重視溝通和評估者訓練,給予員工較多與主管討論績效的機會,較善於應用評估結果於員工訓練與發展,獲得的成效較高﹒但是,實施評估的頻率較低c三種國籍公司組織文化差異不顯著而推行績效評估的成效卻有差異,推行成效的差異可能來自於推行方法上的差異,多於來自組織文化特徵上的差異。但是,組織文化特徵和推行成效間有顯著相關,特別是權力距離和員工反應的相關很顯著這個結果顯示主管和部屬越維持平等、坦誠、公開的關係,越不嚴格監督員工,員工就越接受評估、滿足感也高。 本研究的結果顯示三種國籍公司推行績效評估的比例高,並且在推行績效評估方法上的相同性高於差異性。 |
英文摘要 | This study examines the differences in the technigue purposes, effectiveness in performance appraisal systems and organizational culture in three national firms. Thirty-eight American firms, 30 Japanese firms and 92 local firms were surveyed. The results indicated that American firms place more emphasis on communication with employees and rater training, provide more opportunities for employees to discuss performance with their superiors, use appraisal results more on employee training and development, and achieve better results from appraisal systems but give appraisalless frequently. The three different national firms do not differ significantly in organizational culture. The observed differences in the performance appraisal systems in three different national firms may be attributed more to the differences in technical rather than cultural differences. However, cultural characteristics do correlate significantly with efficieny, especially in power distance and employees' reactions toward the system. Itcan be explained that the more the superiors treat their subordinates with equality, sincerity and openness with less close supervision, the more the employees will accept and be satisfied with the system. The results indicated that performance appraisal is popular among three different national firms and the methods of implemantation are much similiar than they are different. |