- The Characteristics of Atmospheric Particle Size Distribution and Dry Deposition in an Urban Area
- The Study of Metal's Deposition Velocities in Ambient Air
- Dry Deposition and Particle Size Distribution of PAHs in Both Petrochemical-industry and Urban Areas
- A Comparison between Modeled and Ambient Measured Particle Dry Deposition Velocity
- A Case Study of Atmospheric Dry Deposition
- Wet Deposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban Area
- 都市大氣中多環芳香族碳氫化合物特徵成份與濃度分佈特性
- VHF陣列雷達大氣回波來向角之定位偏差--雷達波束場型之不均勻加權效應
- 大氣壓力游離式質譜儀在半導體工業之應用
- 大氣邊界層污染物擴散之日夜變化