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題 名 | 不同形式反應槽進行滲出水脫硝效能之比較研究=Study of Different Reactor Types in the Denitrification Process |
作 者 | 陳鴻烈; 鄭慧玲; 陳冠伊; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 45:1 1996.03[民85.03] |
頁 次 | 頁33-44 |
分類號 | 445.463 |
關鍵詞 | 反應槽形式; 脫硝處理; 水力停留時間; Reactor type; Denitrification; Hydraulic residence time; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在本研究中,發現無論水力停留時間控制在8或5天的條件下,四組脫硝槽中以攪 拌且加活性碳之反應槽的去氮效果最好, 控制組(不攪拌, 不加活性碳)與攪拌速度 120rpm 的完全混合槽次之,而以攪拌速度 60rpm 的完全混合槽之效果最差。顯示在反應槽 中加入活性碳可提供微生物一個較佳的生長環境,增加其脫硝能力。而當水力停留時間控制 在1天左右時,結果發現管柱形反應槽之脫硝效果遠超過不同攪拌速度的完全混合槽,在全 程 29 個星期的實驗中,NO �婀� -N 去除率最高可達 92 %左右,平均約為 60 %。 顯示 管柱形反應槽於較短的水力停留時間下仍可保持高的脫硝能力, 使其更具備實際應用的價值 。 |
英文摘要 | The experiments show that, at 8 and 5 days of hydraulic residence time (HRT) , the performance of four denitrification reactors is combined mixing/adding activated carbon (AC) > control (without mixing and adding AC)=complete mixing reactor with mixing speed 120rpm > complete mixing reactor with mixing speed 60rpm. The results indicate that adding AC can promote denitrification efficiencies. At 1 day of HRT, the denitrifying capabilities of the columned reactor is much better than the complete mixing reactors with different mixing speeds. Under 29 weeks period, a maximum of 92% of nitrate removed in the case of columned reactor is observed, and a average of = 60% of the nitrate load is eliminated. Therefore, the high performance of the columned reactor can be achieved in shorter HRT, which seems to enhance the possibility of practical application. |