題 名 | 競選策略與競選效能:一九九四年臺北市長選舉三黨候選人競選行為研究=Campaign Stratege and Its Effectiveness: a Study of Candidates' Campaigning Behavior in the 1994 Taipei Mayor ELection |
作 者 | 陳宏銘; | 書刊名 | 東吳政治學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1996.01[民85.01] |
頁 次 | 頁103-131 |
分類號 | 573.3 |
關鍵詞 | 競選策略; 競選效能; 競選主軸; 候選人; 議題; 形象; 政績; 空間模型; Candidate; Campaign strategy; Campaign effectivenes; Campaign theme; Issue; Image; Performance; Spatial theory; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討一九九四年臺北市長選舉,主要三黨候選人之競選策略暨其可能對「競選效能」的影響。有關競選策略之分析,焦點集中在四個方面:競選主軸、統獨議題立場、候選人形象或特質之塑造,及候選人政績之訴求等策略。本文也嘗試以「趨近的空間模型」和「方向的空間模型」之理論內涵解析候選人的統獨立場策略。 依初步觀察,候選人「競選主軸」之設定與其議題立場、形象塑造策略緊密結合,尤其是陳水扁及趙少康,這顯示競選主軸確為候選人從事選戰的根本要務。趙主打「中華民國保衛戰」的鮮明「反臺獨」立場,接近「方向模型」給予候選人的建議,並某種程度主導議程的設定;陳則主打公共政策,接近「趨近模型」,黃亦同。但嚴格說起來,陳之初衷乃脫離此一論爭,黃則缺乏一致而明顯的策略。在個人形象塑造上,趙因強調意識型態,故相較陳、黃二人,著墨有限。趙所採策略之競選效能,雖因選戰激化而增強,但最終卻未能贏得選舉。 |
英文摘要 | Past election studies in Taiwan have rarely dealed with the campaigning behavior of both the candidates and the political parties. Due to this deficiency, this article tries to explore the candidates' campaiging behavior in the 1994 Taipei Mayor Election, so as to provide a deeper more understanding of the candidates' behavior. We focus our research on the campaing strategies of the three candidates nominated by the Kaomintang, the Democratic Progresive Party and the Chinese New Party respectively, as well as their effectiveness. With respect to the campaign strategy, four factors are discussed: campaign themes candidates' issue positions, shaping of candidates' image or quality and their performance. Drawing from the promixty spatial model and the directional spatial model, we also attempt to explain the strategies of candidates' issue positions about the arguments of Taiwan independence. |