題 名 | 灌溉水質標準檢討之研究 |
作 者 | 徐貴新; 張尊國; 徐玉標; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 41:4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-12 |
分類號 | 445.212 |
關鍵詞 | 灌溉水質; 水污染; Irrigation water quality; Water pollution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣農田灌溉水質原極優良,近年受家庭污水、畜牧及工業廢水排入之影響,灌溉水質已普遍劣化。因而發生數次灌溉水質因受重金屬污染而導致土壤及稻米鎘污染事件。政府自民國62年起,陸續頒訂水污染防治有關法規暨水質標準,並於民國67年7月公告「臺灣省灌溉用水水質標準」,實施管制防治。灌溉水質污染,以電導度及氮含量超出標準最為嚴重,惟放流水標準中並無規範;此外,許多重金屬之標準在灌溉水質標準與放流水質標準相差甚大,類此皆成水源缺乏及污染嚴重地區執行灌溉任務時之困難,亟待有關方面協調解決。同時臺灣省灌溉水質標準頒布至今,執行之遭遇許多困擾,亦有檢討修正之必要。 灌溉用水向佔水資源用水量之最大宗,且水體分類水質標準丁類以上即可符口灌溉使用。用水單位與環保機構應建立共識,以達成地面水體之水質標準合於丁類標準為近程首要目標,並逐步改善達到預期之水體分類目標,以保障灌溉用水之安全。 |
英文摘要 | The quality of irrigation water in Taiwan was fairly good before the 70's. Recent years, by influence of all kinds of wastewater, irrigation water quality has grown worse markedly. The soil cadmium contaminated events happened several times through polluted irrigation water. From 1973, government continuously issued water pollution prevention law and water quality standard. And in July 1978, they issued "Quality Standard of Irrigation Water in Taiwan Province" to control and prevent its quality getting worse. Electrical conductivity and nitrogen content exceed standard value frequently the major problem. Besides, the quality standard of specific heavy metal in irrigation water to that of effluent standard differs too much. For those reasons, causing it is difficult to enforce the irrigation laws. Therefore, the standard of irrigation quality in Taiwan Province should be reviewed. Irrigation water share the largest amount in all water useage demand, and D class standard of water quality classification will meet the quality requirement. Therefore, all government organizations have to have a common acknowledgment to attain the surface water quality to meet D class as their first goal. Then gradually improve to predesigned water classification to assure the security of irrigation water and other use. |