題 名 | 現階段修憲與五權分立觀點=The Constitution of Five Administrative Power and the Refreshment of Constitution |
作 者 | 麥瑞臺; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 23:4 1995.10[民84.10] |
頁 次 | 頁57-66 |
分類號 | 573.55 |
關鍵詞 | 五權分立; 權能區分; 國民大會; The constitution of five administrative power; The differentiation of chuan and nen; The national assembly; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以“一個中國"的立場而論,中華民國憲法與國民大會必須賦予新生命且應由國大修憲。修憲絕非制意,當然不宜更改制度與憲法的本意:中央政府的五權分立制度與國民大會,其基本精神是權能區分。國民大會當前並不能充分的代表全國人民行使政權,因此五權分立與三權分立兼雜在憲法中,然兩者是依不同理念而設計的政制,除了因為歷史政治及社會經濟等時空背景的不同外,主要是設計者的憲政思想及分權設計的差別。孟德斯鳩未慮及人民權利是否充分,乃在權能不分下將政權與治權一視同仁且分立制衡之,造成權能不分與治權萎縮之弊,此乃三權分立的歐洲各國已漸設「文官委員會」及「監察長」的原因了。五權分立則因國父以「權能區分」來保障民權而將五種治權設計為「分工合作」的關係,則更能以「集權而不極權」的萬能政府來為人民謀幸福。 再看抗戰勝利後的制憲過程,當時我國的政治菁英、國大代表等制憲諸公中,有多數人忽略了國人教育程度、政治素養與社會經濟水準均不如歐美先進國家,卻沉浸在「世界四強」的迷夢中;也不顧慮「廣土眾民」的國惰,拋棄圍父的憲政規劃與國家發展的設計,更漠視歷史文化的差異,欲行歐美的三權分立與內閣制;卻正好落入了中共當時的陷阱;若用「權能區分」來改良、去蕪存菁的昇華了;藉此令萬能政府與人民權利相得益彰而謀得人民最大福祉。 若依中山先生所去,歐美三權憲政其民主當劣於我國五權分立,皆因中國今日猶停滯於「人治」之故,當從教育與立法著手改進貨現法治,故尊重憲法與其制度才是上策。 |
英文摘要 | On only one China views, the Constitution of R.O.C. and the National Assembly needs refreshment for the new union of China, Taiwan and Mainland China. Dr. Sun Yat-sen invented the differentiation of Chuan and Nen as a contribution and the constitution of Five Administrative Power for the government. The people should have Chuan and the government should have Nen. The National Assembly have four Chuan from people: suffrage, recall, initiative and referendum. Those v.s. five Nen and keep balance. The four Chuan cntrol the government's fiveNen: executive, legislature, judiciary, civil service and control, the National Assembly control the govemment by the four Chuan. Such a constitution can make continuous improvement in all respects. The constitution of Five Administrative Power make a refreshment by the National Assembly. Ac complishments in the implementation of democracy by this two raising: a. Raising of educational quality and quantity. b. Raising of quality and quantity of senators in the Legislature Yuan. And then Taiwan's political cu1ture grow up to democrative stage, our National Father's ideal dream will come true. |