- IRA-458樹脂與G-840活性碳去除飲用水水源中微量有機物之不同吸附模式研究比較
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題 名 | IRA-458樹脂與G-840活性碳去除飲用水水源中微量有機物之不同吸附模式研究比較 |
作 者 | 陳鴻烈; 鄭慧玲; 陳桂梅; 黃玉燕; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 44:4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁41-55 |
分類號 | 445.462 |
關鍵詞 | IRA-458陰離子交換樹脂; G-840顆粒狀活性碳; 吸附模式; IRA-458 anion exchange resin; G0840 granular activated carbon; Adsorption isotherms; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在本研究中,無論是利用IRA-458陰離子交換樹脂或G-840 顆粒狀活性碳進行吸 附飲用水水源中低濃度的複合有機物( TOC )之模式研究結果顯示, 四種吸附模式中均以 線性模式最佳, Freundlich 模式次之, Langmuir 模式再次之, 而以 Brunauer-Emmett-Teller ( BET )模式最差。此外,若以不同劑量組進行比較,則發現此 四種吸附模式的相關係數 R 平方值均於 IRA-458 樹脂劑量為 0.25 ∼ 1.00g 時較佳; 當 劑量增為 0.50 ∼ 3.00g 時,四種吸附模式的 R �揚�不但皆較差,且一般而言,均隨吸附 反應時間的增長而呈現遞減的現象。至於在 G-840 活性碳方面,則顯示劑量對 R �揚�的影 響較小, 且大體上來說, 劑量為 0.50 ∼ 3.00g 者反而較 0.20 ∼ 1.20g 者具有較佳的 R �揚�。 |
英文摘要 | IRA-458 anion exchange resin and G-840 granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption isotherms were determined experimentally for trace organics (TOC) in drinking water supply. Four models, linear, Langemuir, Freundlich, and Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) equations were used to predict and/or describe adsorption equilibria. The results exhibited that the order of square of correlation coefficient (R �� ) for each model, from high to low, on resin or GAC in the equilibrium concentration range studied was: linear, Freundlich, Langmuir, and BET adsorption isotherm. Additionally, it was difficult to predict adsorption equilibria for each isotherm at high resin dosage region. However, this phenomenon was not found in our study for trace TOC adsorbing on GAC. |