題 名 | 從佛教的死亡觀探討死亡教育 |
作 者 | 陳錫琦; | 書刊名 | 華梵學報 |
卷 期 | 3:1 1995.11[民84.11] |
頁 次 | 頁61-67 |
分類號 | 210.13、210.13 |
關鍵詞 | 死亡教育; 佛教的死亡觀; Death education; Buddhistic view on death; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 死亡在我們的傳統文化或習俗,一直是個禁忌。隨著時代的變遷,人們自然接觸 死亡的機會減少,但對死亡的莫名恐懼或焦慮並沒有減少,死亡教育的實施,實在有其必要 性。解決生死大事是佛教的宗旨,對死亡的觀點,有其獨特的智慧,面對死亡,有其藝術的 境界,對死亡教育,有其完整的步驟與方法。佛教對死亡的看法是值得推行死亡教育者去關 心與研究的。 |
英文摘要 | In Chinese culture or customs, death is a taboo. With the advancement of medicine, human life span has been greatly increased; however, people still worry and fear about death. the Buddhistic view on death, an artistic ideal and a specialzed wisdom to educate people to face death through different educational steps and stages of death, provides a solution to this fear and worry. This view can shed new light on those researchers who are interested in exploring death education. |