題 名 | 狼尾草與盤固草對乳山羊泌乳量及乳成分之影響 |
作 者 | 李美珠; 黃森源; 徐阿里; 許福星; 程中江; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 28:3 1995.09[民84.09] |
頁 次 | 頁199-206 |
分類號 | 437.5 |
關鍵詞 | 狼尾草; 盤固草; 產乳量; 乳成分; 乳山羊; Napiergrass; Pangolagrass; Milk yield; Milk composition; Dairy goat; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗研究之目的是探討矮性狼尾草、高莖狼尾草、新鮮盤固草與盤固乾草飼養泌乳羊對其採食量、泌乳量及乳成分之影響。20頭第一、二產泌乳羊分成四處理組,每處理組5頭,飼養於個別欄,分別飼予(Ⅰ)矮性狼尾草(Ⅱ)高莖狼尾草(Ⅲ)新鮮盤固草及(Ⅳ)盤固乾草四處理組。四組之粗料採任食,精料之供給均依試驗開始泌乳量2.5:1供應之,每日記錄採食量及泌乳量,每週採羊乳2次,每次採100 ml置於1℃水冷式冰箱供分析之用。測定項目包括採食量、泌乳量、飼料一般成分、乳酸度、乳比重、乳脂率、乳蛋白質、乳灰分、乳固形物及乳中鈣、磷、鎂等成分。 試驗結果顯示,泌乳羊對狼尾草的採食量顯著的高於盤固草(P<0.05),其中以高莖狼尾草的採食量最高,其次是矮性狼尾草,第三是新鮮盤固萌,而以盤固乾草最少,精料的採食量以新鮮盤固草組最高,其次是盤固乾草組,而以矮性狼尾草組的精料採食量略低於高莖狼尾草組。在精組日糧蛋白質採食量方面,以新鮮盤固草組最高,其次是盤固乾草組,而矮性狼尾草組略低於高莖狼尾草組。在泌乳量方面,則以新鮮盤固草組的泌乳量顯著的高於其他三處理組。在乳成分方面,四處理間之乳固形物、乳蛋白質、乳脂率及乳牛鈣、磷、鎂、鉀與鈉均無顯著之差異,但在乳灰分方面則以盤固草組較狼尾草組高,尤其是以新鮮盤固草的灰分顯著的高於矮性狼尾草組與高莖狼尾草組(P<0.05),但新鮮盤固草與盤固乾草組間則無顯著性差異。在乳比重方面,以高莖狼尾草組的比重高於盤固乾草組(P<0.05),其他各組間則無顯著差異。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this experiment were to determine the effects of dwarf napiergrass, tall napiergrass, fresh pangolagrass and pangolagrass hay on feed intake, milk production and composition of dairy goat. Twenty dairy goats at the first or second parity were divided into 4 groups, which were fed on (Ⅰ) dwarf napiergrass, (Ⅱ) tall napiergrass, (Ⅲ) fresh pangolagrass and (Ⅳ) pangolagrass hay. The roughage was given ad libitum and the concentrates were provided based on milk production at 2.5:1 ratio. Feed intake and milk production were recorded daily. Milk samples were taken twice a week. Each sample was 100 ml and stored in the refrigerator at 1℃ for analysis. Feed intake and composition, milk production, milk acidity, millk gravity, and the contents of fat, protein, ash, solid, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in milk were determined. The results indicated that the intake of napiergrass was significantly higher than those of pangolagrass (P<0.05). The intake of tall napiergrass was the highest followed by dwarf napiergrass, fresh pangolagrass and pangolagrass hay. The intake of concentrates in dwarf napiergrass was slightly lower than that of fresh pangolagrass. The protein intake of ration in fresh pangolagrass was the highest followed by pangolagrass hay, tall and dwarf napiergrasses. The milk production fed on fresh pangolagrass was significantly higher than those of the other three treatments. No differences were observed on the contents of solid, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, magnesiu, potassium and sodium in milk among treatments. The contents of ash in milk fed on both pangolagrass green chop and hay were significantly higher than those fed on both tall and dwarf napiergrasses (P<0.05). No significant differentes in milk ash were showed between pangolagrass green chop and hay or between, tall and dwarf napiergrasses. The milk gravity was not significantly different among treatments except that the milk gravity fed on tall napiergass was significantly higher than that fed on pangolagrass hay. |