題 名 | 使用雙眼間接眼底鏡雷射系統執行全網膜雷射 |
作 者 | 郭錫恭; 蔡明勳; 蘇俊嘉; 林淑妍; | 書刊名 | 中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 34:1 1995.03[民84.03] |
頁 次 | 頁34-38 |
分類號 | 416.746 |
關鍵詞 | 雙眼間接眼底鏡; 雷射系統; 全網膜雷射; Pan-retinal photocoagulation; Binocular indirect ophthalmoscope; Laser delivery system; Vitreous hemorrhage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文收集51眼接受全網膜雷射的病例,這些患眼都是以細隙燈雷射系統 執行困難而改以雙眼間接眼底鏡雷射系統執行的病例,加以整理分析。適應症方 面,有43眼是微量玻璃體出血,6眼是新生血管性青光眼併發角膜水腫,6眼是其 他原因之介質混濁。術後併發症方面,有1眼脈絡膜剝離,1眼新的玻璃體出血, 2眼虹彩燒灼。我們初步認為,雙眼間接眼底鏡雷射系統是安全的,而且是讓我 們儘快完成全網膜雷射的有效工具。 |
英文摘要 | In the study, we collect 51 eyes that failed toperform panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) with slitlamp delivery system, shifted to binocular indirectophthalmoscope laser delivery system. We evaluatethe indications and complications of PRP using thelatter. Indications include faint vitreous hemorrhage(43 eyes), neovascular glaucoma with cornea edema(6 eyes), and other medium opacity (6 eyes).Complications include choroid detachment (1 eye),iris burn with posterior synechiae (2 eyes), and newvitreous hemorrhage (1 eye). Generally, binocularindirect ophthalmoscope laser delivery system is safeand valuable for performing PRP as soon as possible. |