題 名 | 「大法小廉」論與清康熙帝對官吏操守的要求=Integrity and Corruption: The Perspective of the Kang-hsi Emperor |
作 者 | 湯熙勇; | 書刊名 | 人文及社會科學集刊 |
卷 期 | 7:2 1995.09[民84.09] |
頁 次 | 頁21-51 |
分類號 | 573.42 |
關鍵詞 | 清朝; 康熙帝; 官吏; 操守; 才能; 偏執; 獎勵; 懲處; 清廉; 貪污; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 清康熙帝重視官員的操守,他強調「上樑正」的教育效果,即在上位者能遵守法 律,重視法紀,維持操守的清廉,則下屬的操守自然會受到良好的影響。康熙帝的這一個觀 點,於康熙 21 年( 1682 ),由浙江巡撫王國安以「大法小廉」作了一個簡要地注解,康 熙帝重視清廉的實踐,他要求官員對清廉的言行要一致,也要能做到表裡如一。他訓誡官員 ,不要自己不肯奉承人,卻喜歡別人奉承他。他也提醒官員,不要被自己的親威或屬下所欺 誑,以致自己的清名被破壞仍不自知。康熙帝復要求那些以清廉自居的官員,在處理公務的 過程中,要避免偏執,要注重寬和,要廉與能兼備。康熙帝採取制度性(包括京察、大計及 軍政)及非制度性(官員陛見、派員密查及蒐集地方民意)等方法來察核官員的操守。基本 上,康熙帝刻意扮演一個「儒家的君王」,褒揚清廉的官員,以此為統治中國的一個方法。 但是,他對耗羨存廢採取一種模糊的態度,且不思改善官吏俸薄的問題,及刻意維護某些操 守不良的大吏,這些因素對其治下的吏治轉壞,均有一定的影響。 |
英文摘要 | According to the K'ang-hsi Emperor, senior officials who worked at the capital and served as governors-general and governors, played an important role in the anti-corruption campaign. The K'ang-hsi Emperor valued honesty and integrity. He treated those incorruptible officials with great kindness, as in the case of Chang Pao-hsing, when Chang was impeached and condemned to death in 1712. The Emperor refused to punish him. This study is seperated into four sections. The first section analyzes how integrity and corruption were defined. and what was the significance of the ideas of integrity and corruption in the mind of the K'ang-hsi Emperor. The second section argues the defects of upright officials and their influences. The third and fourth sections deal with the pubishment of corrupt officials and the reward for upright officials. |