題 名 | 我國中央政府之類型:修憲前後之比較 |
作 者 | 呂炳寬; | 書刊名 | 空大行政學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1995.11[民84.11] |
頁 次 | 頁281-305 |
分類號 | 573.5 |
關鍵詞 | 憲政; 權力分立; 中央政府類型; 內閣制; 總統制; 混合制; 動員戡亂時期臨時條款; 憲法增修條文; Constitutionalism; Separation of powers; Parliamentary regimes; Presidential regimes; Mixed parliamentary-presidential regimes; Temporary provisions effective during the period of communist rebellion; Additional articles of the constitution of R.O.C.; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中央政府的體制是建立在憲政的基礎上,目前各國所實施的中央政府體制以美國的總統制及英國的內閣制最具代表性,另有許多國家綜合這兩種制度而出現混合制。我們在分析一國究竟採何種類型的政府時,主要是從三個變數著乎:行政與立法之關係、國家元首與行政首長的關係及政黨政治。我們以上述約三個變數檢視我國修憲前後的中央政府體制時發現,原憲法的規定較接近內閣制,但因動員戡亂時期臨時條款的實施,導致走向總統權力其大而無須負政治責任。修憲後原憲法內閣制的精神仍保留,但卻增加總統許多權力,權責不明的狀況仍然存在,尤其我國政黨政治已漸成形,法國的「左右共治」現象日後可能出現在我國,造成政局之不安,因此,從中央政府體制的理論觀之,我國仍應繼續努力憲政的改革。 |
英文摘要 | The central government institution is based on the ground of constitutionalism in modern democratic systems. But some democratic systems differ significantly from others in certain respects, particularly those relating to the relationship of "head of state" and "head of government" and interrelations of legislative and executive agencies. These differences are contrasting the two major forms of central government institution parliamentary regimes and presidential regimes. There are also many democratic systems mixing these two major regimes called mixed parliamentary-presidential regimes. The powers of various governmental agencies are defined and limited by written constitution. There is no hard and fast conclusionthat one can draw about the relative efficiency of parliamentary and presidential systems. Their workings and efficiency depend on the characteristics of the partypolitics. Thus, we have three variables to analyze the central government institution relationship of "head of state" and "head of government", interrelations of legislative and executive agencies, and party politics. When we use these variables to analyze the central government institution in R.O.C., wefind that the Constitution of the Republic of China is modeled more or less closely upon the parliamentary regime prototype. Under the "Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of Communist Rebellion", the President of ROC had substantial powers but was not required to be responsible to any agencies, which still remains in today's "Additional Articles of the Constitution of R.O.C.. Itwill result in political turbulence. We shall continue working on constitutional reform. |