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題 名 | 漂白方法對手工造紙原料紙漿顏色安定性之影響 |
作 者 | 王國財; | 書刊名 | 林業試驗所研究報告季刊 |
卷 期 | 10:3 1995.09[民84.09] |
頁 次 | 頁369-376 |
分類號 | 476.21 |
關鍵詞 | 手工紙原料紙漿; 顏色安定性; 漂白; 加速劣化; Pulps for handmade paper; Color stability; Bleaching; Accelerated aging; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在本試驗中以竹漿、稻草漿及構樹皮、三椏皮、雁皮樹皮為原料分別製漿後,以六種漂白方法進行漂白,漂白後之紙漿分別以乾熱、濕熱及光照三種方式進行加速劣化並測定紙漿顏色之變化。試驗結果顯示構樹皮漂白漿具最好的抗乾熱、濕熱性,而稻草漿之耐光性最佳。以次氯酸鈉單段漂白時,其顏色安定性以添加氫氧化鈉維持最終pH在11以上者要較最終 pH在9-10者為優。以H-P(次氯酸鈉-過氧化氫)二段漂白,P段之溫度由室溫升高至70℃時,可增加顏色之安定性。在H段後以硼氫化鈉處理者,對耐劣化性無顯著之促進效果。以C-E-H(氯化-鹼萃-次氯酸鈉)三段漂白之紙漿具有較佳之耐光照性質。 |
英文摘要 | The raw materials for handmade paper include bamboo, rice straw and the bast fibers of Broussonetia papyrifera, Edgeworthia papyrifera, and Wikstroemia spp. were pulped, then bleached with H(Hypochlorite), H(final pH>11), H-P(Peroxide at room temp.), H-P(70℃), H-B(Sodium borohydride) and C-E-H(Chlorination-Caustic extraction-Hypochlorite). The bleached pulps were artificially aged with 3 methods: dry air at 105℃, humid air(87% RH) at 85℃ and exposure under a UV-light at 45℃. The PC numbers and the color differences of the aged pulps were evaluated. The results indicate that the B. papyrifera pulp is the most stable one both when heated under dry and humid conditions. And the rice straw pulp has the best light resistance. The pulps bleached with single stage hypochlorite at a final pH>11 are more stable than those of conventional hypochlorite bleaching i.e. at a final pH between 9 to 10. In consideration of the color stability of pulps, the temperature of P-stage in H-P bleaching sequence at temp. of 70℃ is much better than that at room temperature. No any benefit was obtained when the pulps were treated with sodium borohydride after the conventional hypochlorite bleaching. The pulps with the greatest resistance to color reversion under the UV exposure were those pulps which had been bleached with C-E-H sequence. |