題 名 | 李白與酒 |
作 者 | 周天令; | 書刊名 | 嘉義農專學報 |
卷 期 | 42 1995.08[民84.08] |
頁 次 | 頁99-116 |
分類號 | 782.418 |
關鍵詞 | 李白; 酒; 寂寞生命; 道教文化; LiPo; Wine; Solitary life; Taoism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 李白愛酒,早成詩壇話題。本文就「契合自然,一醉忘機」「俠骨豪悄, 傳觴笑迎」「生命無常,對酒興嘆」「煎逼之苦,舉杯消愁」等飲酒詩的內涵, 分析李山愛酒的原因,並試就道教文化對於李白的影響一一現實生命的哲學、終 南捷徑的理念、熱愛人間的激情,來探討李白的生命世界,認為李白在「富貴與 神仙,蹉跎成兩失」重重挫折幻滅之下,其生命世界是充滿寂寞與愁苦的,而此 一寂寞而愁苦的生命世界,正是李白醉酒的癥結所在。 |
英文摘要 | LiPo's fond of drinking has already been one of the favorite topics in thepoetic field. This research explores the contents of his poems concerned withdrinking to analyze his special addict and make clear the influence of Taoismon him. Under the illusion of vanity and fairy world,his life is full of solitudeand gloominess. The solitary and gloomy sense just made a poetic genius stickin the life's dilemma. That's why LiPo indulged himself in the world ofdrinking. |