題 名 | 我國郵政服務網路、營運特性與成本結構之研究 |
作 者 | 王小娥; 莊懿妃; 盧家慧; | 書刊名 | 國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 |
卷 期 | 5:2 1995.07[民84.07] |
頁 次 | 頁176-204 |
分類號 | 557.6 |
關鍵詞 | 郵政服務; 成本結構; 網路及營運特性; 規模經濟; 範圍經濟; 密度經濟; 有效產出; 自動化程度; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來郵政服務之自由化及民營化問題逐漸成為世界性之課題,我國亦已開始受 到相同之衝擊。民間部門之挑戰與競爭、郵政之是否為自然獨佔等問題均顯示應對我國郵政 之成本結構、網路特性與營運特性從事深入之探討。 本文係採用郵政總局所屬各獨立局 81 年度會計資料共 152 個樣本點數, 構建我國郵政多元產出短期成本與要素使用份額方程式 之聯立模式,實證分析我國郵政之經濟行為。研究結果發現:在目前的產出組合下,具微弱 的範圍經濟(近似於 0 )與規模經濟,未能完全滿足自然獨佔性之充要條件, 故並不具備 完全的自然獨佔性。限時掛號包裹快捷之邊際成本最高,而位處較偏遠鄉鎮之獨立局的各項 邊際成本高於都市獨立局之邊際成本。獨立局局等規模愈大時規模經濟愈明顯,但愈不具密 度經濟。各獨立局每平方公里投遞件量愈多,愈能節省成本。中心局集中處理郵件量愈多愈 能節省成本,自動化的實施亦可達節省成本之效。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, the liberalization and privatization of postal service has been a worldwide issue. Postal service in Taiwan faced th esame impacts. The current issues include: the challenge and competition from private sector, to what extent the postal service could be regarded as a natural monopoly, and so on. These questions all indicated that a careful study on the cost structure, network and operating characteristics of postal service is urgently needed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the multi-product cost structure of the postal service in Taiwan, using post office data in F.Y. 1992. The short-run cost function and its associated factor share equations were estimated simultaneously and from the estimation results we found that: under current output mix, the postal service in Taiwan showed a weak multi-product scope economies (close to zero) and scale economies. However, it did not satisfy the sufficient and necessary conditions of natural monopoly, therefore, the postal service in Taiwan is not a natural monopoly. Among all outputs, "prompt parcel, registered & speedpost" service has highest marginal cost. The third class post office has the highest marginal cost among all other classes of post offices mainly because it is usually far from central business district (CBD). Directorates of post regions and special class post office have scale economies, but not density economies. Total variable cost would decrease when the quantity of delivered mail in square miles increase. Total variable cost would decrease as the number of mails processed in a "central" post office increased. Handling mails automatically and mechanically has cost advantage. |