題 名 | 組織經濟學的緣起與發展 |
作 者 | 徐仁輝; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 4:3 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁105-126 |
分類號 | 552 |
關鍵詞 | 契約; 交易成本; 代理人; 財產權; 投機主義; 有限理性; 風險; 怠忽職守; 競租; 道德危機; 逆向選擇; 少數人交易; 資產特定性; Contracts; Transaction costs; Agent; Property rights; Opportunism; Bounded rationality; Risk; Shirking; Rent-seeking; Moral harzard; Adverse selection; Small-number bargain; Asset specificity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 組織經濟學是一種新興的組織研究,經濟學者以他們自己的研究方法與假設,探討自利的個人個何參與組織性的契約行為,以降低其交易成本。他們的研究是經濟學、法律學、組織理論與組織行為等學科的科技整合。組織經濟學者認為組織係由一串契約所組成,因此以契約為其研究單位。主要的理論有研究契約事前面(即誘因的結合)的財產權理論與代理人理論,以及研究契約執行面的交易成本理論。 |
英文摘要 | Organizational Economics is a new approach to the study of organizations. Economists use their own methods and assumptions to explore how self-interested individuals engage in organizational and contractual hehavior in order to reduce transaction cost. Their study is expressly concerned with issues at the interdisciplinary intersection of economics, law, organizational theories and organizational bchavior. In organizational economists view, an organization is regarded as a nexus of contracts. Therefore. the contracts are the uints of analysis of the theory. Economic theories of organization include property right theory and agency theory those focused on the exante side of contracts (incentive alignment), and transaction cost theory which focused on the contract execution stage. |