題 名 | 公私部門協力關係和「公民參與」之探討 |
作 者 | 吳英明; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 2:3 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-14 |
分類號 | 572.9 |
關鍵詞 | 公私部門協力關係; 公民參與; Public/private partakership; Citizen participation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公共行政及公共政策的發展需要公眾行動的支援與配合;成熟公眾行動的參與 可以充實公共行政及公共政策的內含。本文的目的在於闡明未來公共事務的管理必 需架構在成熟的「公民參與」及公私部門的協力關係上。「公民參與」係指人民以 主權者的認知及實踐,透過資訊及知識的吸收和公開的參與機會,對公共事務貢獻 自己的意志、情感、及行動。公私部門的協力關係乃指公部門與私部門共同尋求目 標、策略、及資源的整合,共同分擔經營社會的責任,及共創可同享的成果。公私 部門協力關係之目標在於透過公私部門的「協力體」為人民及社會累積最大福祉。 公私部門協力關係至少包括合作及合夥兩個層面。本文探討的範圍包括公民參與的 意義,公私部門互動的模式,及公私部門協力關係之意義。 |
英文摘要 | The development of public administration and public policy requires the support and cooperation from public actions; the participation of a mature public action would enhance the contents of public administration and public policy. The purpose of this article is to articulate that future public affairs management has to be build on the foundation of both the mature 「 Citizen Participation 」 and 「 Public/Private Partakership 」. By citizen participation we mean citizens recognize and exercise his/her sovereign power: are provided open access to public information and participation; and find ways to contribute his/her will, affections, and action to assist public affairs management. By public/private partakership we mean public/private sectors are collectively seeking the integration of goals, strategies, and resources; formulating the relationship for sharing the responsibility of building society; and creating mutual benefits. Public/private partakership are aimed to creating the most benefits for citizens and society through "partakers" relationship. Public/private partakership includes at least two dimensions: cooperation and partnership. The scope of this article includes "the meaning of citizen participation". "public/private interaction models", and "the meaning of public/private partakership". |