- 簡介封塞試驗在核廢料最終處置安全評估上之應用
- 地下水文地質特性參數量測--雙封塞技術之應用
- 結合空間統計及專家系統建立之水文地質分層
- Determination of Governing Equations of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport from the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
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- 應用專家系統於沖積扇地區之水文地質分析
- 臺灣地區水文地質調查研究
- 應用類神經網路模式推估水文地質參數之研究
題 名 | 簡介封塞試驗在核廢料最終處置安全評估上之應用 |
作 者 | 彭桓沂; | 書刊名 | 台電工程月刊 |
卷 期 | 559 1995.03[民84.03] |
頁 次 | 頁75-84 |
分類號 | 449.8 |
關鍵詞 | 封塞試驗; 岩石裂縫; 地層處置場; 水文地質; Packer test; Fractured rock; Underground repository; Hydrogeology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 地層處置是現階段比較可行的核廢料處理方式,而無論是深地層或是淺 地層處置,其安全評估重點在防止核種因洩漏,而自廢料桶中為水流攜出進入周 遭環境,並隨地下水流擴散而污染廣大區域。在有效預測、檢測與監測污染範圍 之前,尚有許多技術上的問題待克服;這些問題,包括概念模式的建立、數值分 析技巧、量測技術與了解控制水流核種移動因子等,由於地層構造複雜,目前概 念模式的發展並未統一,一般而言,可做地層孔隙分佈與研究尺度,將表層視為 孔隙介質或裂縫介質來處理,其中裂縫水流概念模式,是將各別裂縫視為一獨立 導水通道,四周為孔隙介質包圍,水流沿此通道(裂縫)將核種攜出。所以核廢料 最終處置場核種遷移安全評估中,首先必需知道處置場周遭岩磐的水文地質參數 值,此參數值一般可由封塞試驗所得數據間接求出。本文目的,即在介紹封塞試 驗的過程與數據分析方法,由文獻回顧可以了解咎家概念模式的理論基礎、條件 限制,進而了解此模式的可能應用範圍。 |
英文摘要 | The underground repository is the disposal option ofnuclear waste currently receiving most attention. Whateverdeep geological formations or shallow ground, to prevent theleachates may be a major task which can seriously affect thequality of underlying groundwater systems. However, manytechnical issues need to be addressed before reliable predictionsof plum evolution and effective detection, monitoring can beachieved. These include the conceptual formation of problems,the numerical techniques, the measuring techniques, and thedetermination of factors which controlling the movement offluid and radionuclides. Because of the complexity of earth formation, variousconceptualized models have been made. In general, the surfacemedia can be considered as a porous medium or a fracturedmedium depending on the scale of study and the distribution ofpores. In the discrete fracture approach, each discrete fracture isconsidered as a discrete hydraulic conduit, which is surroundedby the porous media. Water flow and radionuclides migrationtake place in the porous media and along all fracture conduits.Therefore the characterization of the ambient conditions of apotential site and the assessment of the pertubations inducedby a nuclear waste repository require hydrogeological inves-tigation. The packer test is one of methods of measuringhydrogeological parameters in situ. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview ofanalytic method and measuring processes in fractured rock bypacker test in situ. The focus is primarily on introduction tothe fundamental concepts, principles, and constrains of models.The performance objective contains to address the limitationand the scope of application of various models. |