- 逢機配種的蘭嶼豬群之產仔分析
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題 名 | 逢機配種的蘭嶼豬群之產仔分析 |
作 者 | 李啟忠; 陳文誠; 曾晉郎; 張秀鑾; 吳明哲; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 27:2 1994.06[民83.06] |
頁 次 | 頁109-117 |
分類號 | 437.656 |
關鍵詞 | 蘭嶼豬; 季節; 逢機配種; 產仔數; Lanyu pig; Season; Random mating; Litter size; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 蘭嶼豬為境外移入蘭嶼島適應下來的小體型豬種,於1980年臺東種畜繁殖場自蘭嶼購入4公16 母為基礎族群,放牧於岩土坡地林間,但有自動飲水區和精料餵飼區,偶而提供青割草料。於1987年起以 15 公 45 母為逢機配種的保種用族群,因而其產仔觀察分析可供探討蘭嶼豬適應本省亞熱帶氣候之能力研究。本試驗自 1991 年 10 月起至 1993 年 9 月止為期兩年,於每星期二記錄餵料區的氣溫和相對濕度,並巡視放牧區記錄母豬產活仔豬情形,共計有 87 胎資料。保種環境的全年相對濕度介於 75 至 90 %間,而 5至 10 月份氣溫高於年平均溫 24.7 度,為夏季高溫多濕時節。兩年的產仔高峰均為 12 月份,因此其配種月份為 8 月份,正處夏季,暗示蘭嶼豬種為一耐旱耐粗品種,但其在 12 月份分娩的胎活仔豬頭數平均卻低於族群平均的 5.6 頭;同時,4~5 月份間的產仔頻度為第二高峰,推測那些 12 月份分娩的母豬若未能有活仔豬,就重發情配種受孕。胎活仔豬頭數以 5、6和 7 頭佔 63% (55 胎/87 眙),最多有9頭者有 3.4%,而生少於3頭和3頭者有 14%。綜而言之,本研究發現蘭嶼豬可於夏季高溫多濕氣候下進行配種受孕,形成年底 12 月份的產仔高峰。 |
英文摘要 | Lanyu pig is a miniature breed adapted to Lanyu Island after being introduced. In 1980, four male and 16 female Lanyu pigs were purchased from the island and raised at the Propagation Station for establishing a random mating population. The natural environment is brush, slope, and rocky land. There was a concrete floor for supplying water and concentrate rations. Green roughage and grass were occassionally provided. A random mating population for germplasm conservation of Lanyu breed have been established by maintaining 15 males and 45 female pigs annually since 1987. The objective of the present study was to examine the breeding behavior or seasonal fertility of Lanyu pigs in a subtropical environment. The experiment was conducted from October 1991 to September 1993 by recording the live piglets per litter, environmental temperature, and relative humidity on every Tuesday for two consecutive years. A total of 87 litters with at least one live piglet per litter was recorded. The relative humidity varied from 75 % to 90 % within a year. The temperatures in May to October were higher than the annual mean of 24.7 ℃; therefore, the period from May to October was considered to be the hot summer season with high temperature and high humidity. Two consecutive peaks of farrowing of Lanyu sows were observed in December of two consecutive years. Hence, the months for breeding was August. This indicated that the Lanyu pig could be a breed which can resist the high environmental temperature and drought. Mean litter size of sows farrowed in December was less than the annual mean of 5.6 live piglets per litter. The second farrowing peak was in April and May. Results suggested that sows farrowing in December would be rebred right after farrowing if they had no live piglets to nurse. Most sows had 5, 6, or 7 live piglets per litter which account for 63 % of the population (55/87 litters). There was 3.4 % of sows having 9 live piglets per litter, and 14 % of sows having 3 or less live piglets. In conclusion, the present study observed that the Lanyu pig can breed successfully in a hot and humid environment, conceiving in the summer season and farrowing mostly in December. |