題 名 | 全面品質管理及其在教育上的應用 |
作 者 | 吳清山; 林天祐; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 3 1994.12[民83.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-28 |
分類號 | 494.56 |
關鍵詞 | 全面品質管理; 教育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文簡介全面品管理 (Total quality management) 的發展沿革、中心理念,並論其在教育上的應用。全文計分五節,第一節簡述全面品質管理的發展階段與背景。第二節闡述全面品質管理三位代表人物朱蘭 (J. Juran) 、柯洛斯比 ( P. Crosby) 、與戴明 ( W. E. Deming ) 及其論點。第三節討論全面品質管理的基本理念:永續改進、品質第一、顧客至上、事先預防、全面參與。第四節探討全面品質管理在教育上的應用及限制。最後一節提出結論與建議。結論指出:全面品質管理發展並盛行於工商企業界,目前已逐漸形成系統之思想體系,並開始受到教育學者之重視。本文作者建議:(一)儘速建立全面教育品質管理體系,(二)研訂國內全面教育品質管理的內涵,(三)發展全面教育品質管理之評量工具,(四)設立「國家教育品質獎」,(五)訂頒「教育實驗法」,(六)成主各級教育審議委員會,(七)多元驗證全面品質管理在教育上之應用。 |
英文摘要 | This paper highlights the development and core concepts of total quality management (TQM), and examines its application to education. The whole paper consists of five sections. Section I presents the background of TQM. Section II introduces the three representatives, J. Juran, P. Crosby, and W. E. Deming, of TQM, and their viewpoints. Section III discusses the fundamental concepts of TQM: continuous improvement, quality is job one, customers-centered, prevention rather than inspection, and total employee involvement. Section IV explores the applications and limitations of TQM to education. Final section presents the conclusions and recommendations. The conclusions indicate that TQM grew out of and flourishd in the industrial and business world, forming its thoughts sys-tem, and begin to draw educators' study concerns. The authors recommend that: (1) establish promptly the system of total quality management in education, (2) set up the criteria for managing total quality in education, (3) develop the in-strument for evaluating the implementation of TQM in educational systems, (4) initiate the National Education Quality Award, (5) enact the Law of Educational Experiments, (6) institute four levels of Education Councils, and (7) do confirmatory studies of application of TQM to education from various perspectives. |