題 名 | 王鐸書贈湯若望詩翰研究--兼論清初貳臣與耶穌會士的交往 |
作 者 | 黃一農; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 12:1 民83.秋 |
頁 次 | 頁1-30 |
分類號 | 782.87 |
關鍵詞 | 中國天主教史; 耶穌會士; 王鐸; 湯若望; 史清史; 書法史; History of Christianity in China; Jesuits; Wang Tuo; Adam Schall; History of Ming and Ch'ing; History of Calligraphy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 筆者在輔仁大學神學院發現一題為王鐸(一五九三--一六五二)贈湯若望詩翰的條幅,經考證後證實此並非王氏的真跡,很有可能是陳垣嚮搨以便印送友人流傳的底本,而陳氏在嚮搨時曾將原先的冊頁格式改成了條幅。 由王鐸的生平事跡判斷,此一詩翰應是在順治二至四年間書於北京,他當時在貪病交加的情形下,寫錄舊詩數首贈給已成新貴的湯若望,希冀能在別離多年之後,再續先前的交往,而王鐸在跋中對自己窮困景況的描寫,或亦有期盼湯氏賙濟的間接目的。 入清後,漢化已深的湯若望因獲派管欽天監監正事,而很快地成為貳臣群體中的重要份子,此故王鐸的文友們亦留有不少酬贈湯若望的詩文。但對王鐸或當時許多漢官而言,湯若望最被認同的形象,應是一盡忠職守的同僚,或是一學行俱佳的高士,而非一汲汲於度人的傳教士。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the author studies a calligraphic work of Wang Tuo (1593-1652) which includes four poems written for the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell (1592-1666). Judged from the life of Wang Tuo, this work is probably written during 1645-1647 in Beijing just after the surrender of Wang to the Manchu army. Wang Tuo's financial situation at the time is hard up. The reason that he presented this calligraphic work to Adam Schall is to try to obtain some economic support from this friend who has just become the director of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau. As a high-level official, Adam Schall become one of the leaders in the Han intellectual community who served both Ming and Ch'ing courts. Many of his colleagues wrote poems or articles to him as a medium of social contact. To them, the best known image of Adam Schall is a very knowledgeable official and scholar, but not a missionary to preach a foreign religion. |