題 名 | 從憲改過程析論我國監察權最近之變革 |
作 者 | 吳秀玲; | 書刊名 | 中山學術論叢 |
卷 期 | 12 1994.06[民83.06] |
頁 次 | 頁315-340 |
分類號 | 573.83 |
關鍵詞 | 監察院; 準司法機關; 監察權; 彈劾權; 審計權; 合議制; The Control Yuan one of the five major branches of the government of Republic of China; Quasi-judicial organizations; Control power; Impeachment power; Audit power; Joint consultation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民國八十年四月,第一屆國民大學第二次臨時會議進行第一階段的程序修憲工作 ,完成「中華民國憲法增修條文」第一至十條及「廢止動員戡亂時期臨時條款」兩案三讀的 程序;八十一年三月進行第二階段的實質修憲工作,五月二十七日通過「中華民國憲法增修 條文」第十一至十八條。 此十八條增修條文,主要的內容都涉及原權力架構的調整。其中監察院由原來具有民意 機關性質的「國會」,轉而成為「準司法機關」,其定位的改變,使得監察院的職權、監察 委員產生的方式、人數、保障、資格等都有所變動。 本文旨在探討憲政改革以來監察權之變革,分別就我國監察制度之源流、中山先生主張監察 權必須獨立的理由、幾種監察院的修憲方案作-說明,進而分析有關監察院的憲法增修條文 所引起的爭議。 監察院的改制,是憲政改革少數具體成果之一;然改制後的監察院已不可能扮演強大的 政治角色,在多種客觀條件限制下,頗難發揮作用。作者的看法,當前或未來我國監察院之 設計,重點應放在政務官之監督上,實際運作時則應與立法院密切合作,善加運用立法委員 尚未享有的調查權,協助立法院對政府官員的監督,如此,才可能發揮顯著的功能。 |
英文摘要 | The revision of the constitution has brought a lot of confusion andcontroversy from the different sectors in our society. This is amanifestation that the revised amendments have only solved a few of itsimmediate constitutional government problems, but have evolved a morecomplicated problems within its framework. One of its causes is that the Contral Yaun has changed its stance as "quasi- judicial organization". thus, the power vested upon the National Assembly needs to be reevaluated. Face with intentional interrogation on audit and investigation by the Legislative Yuam, the Control Yuan should devise a way for them not to bedirectly unden the Presidential government Office. It's my earnest desire to explore how the control Yuan Systems works effectively, Moreover, one of the motivations that leads me to explore this study is that prior to the proclamation on the revised constitution, never has there been any thor- ough studies made or published on this field. The many controversial problems created by the Power of Control, one of the five powers of the government specified in the constituition of the Republic of China. Thus, the writer doesn't intent to speculate its simplicity but rather plans to explore the facts, laws and regulations of the newly innovated power of the Control Yuan System. |