- 中部某地區老年高血壓患者於居家照顧情形之探討
- 老年高血壓患者服藥遵從行為及其影響因素之研究
- Relationships among Health Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Care of the Elderly with Hypertension
- Middle Cerebral Artery Blood Flow during Postural Changes in Elderly Patients with Dizziness after Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Surgical Outcome of Hypertensive Putaminal Hemorrhage in Patients Older than 65 Years
- 促進高血壓老年人服藥遵從性之家庭護理經驗
- 臺灣地區65歲以上老年人高血壓的研究
- Insulin, Renin and Calcium-Regulating Hormones: Their Possible Role in the Pathogenesis of Elderly Hypertension
- 老年人單純性收縮期高血壓
- 隱形的殺手--談中老年人高血壓