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題 名 | 生鮮蔬果直接運銷之消費者行為分析 |
作 者 | 陳淑恩; 洪仁杰; | 書刊名 | 國立屏東技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 3 1994.06[民83.06] |
頁 次 | 頁137-149 |
分類號 | 431.25 |
關鍵詞 | 消費者態度; 蔬菜水果; 直銷通路; 購買強度分群; Consumer attitudes; Vegetables and fruits; Direct marketing; Grouped by the frequency of supermarket shopping; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之目的在瞭解消費者對蔬菜水果現代化運銷方式之態度,推知直銷之潛在市 場,以探討直銷通路在此階段之可能問題。為探討問題之癥結,對消費者依至超市購買之強 度分群比較,以為對照分析。在選擇購買蔬果地點因素方面,消費者最重視「產品新鮮度」 、「產品安全衛生」和「產品品質」。在對生鮮超市滿意度方面,消費者最重視「產品新鮮 度」、「產品安全衛生」和「產品品質」。在對生鮮超市滿意度方面,消費者最感到滿意的 項目是「自助式購物」、「購物環境」、「銷售者的信譽」、「可一次購足」及「產品安全 衛生」等。消費者至超市購買蔬果的強度與消費者的年齡、教育程度、職業、和個人所得, 有顯著相關。在「結帳速度」、「是否有品牌」、「銷售者(店)的信譽」、「停車方便」 、「產品新鮮度」、和「自助式購物」等項目,高購買強度消費群所認定的重要性顯著大於 低購買強度消費群;而在「產品種類的多少」、「產品價格」、和「銷售者的親切性」等項 目上,低購買強度群所認定的重要性顯著大於高購買強度群。高購買強度群對生鮮超市之「 購買環境」、「銷售者的親切性」、「結帳速度」、「銷售者(店)的信譽」、「是否有品 牌」、和「特賣、折扣活動」上,顯著比低購買強度群滿意。故在消費者階段,「品牌建立 」、「品質和新鮮」、「價格」及「找有信譽的超商出售」等因素,是拓展直銷業務之關鍵 。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to understand consumer attitudes to the modernized marketing distribution for fresh vegetables and fruits, to realize the potential of direct marketing, and to investigate possible problems at retail level on the direct marketing channel. Consumers concern the freshness, safety, and quality of produces when they select shopping spots for vegetables and fruits. Consumers are satisfied with the self-service, shopping environments, reputation, one-stop-shopping service, and produce safety of supermarkets. In the comparative analysis, consumers are grouped by the frequency of supermarket shopping for vegetables and fruits. The frequency of supermarket shopping is significantly related to the age, education, occupation, and personal income. To select shopping spots for vegetables and fruits, the high-frequency group are significantly more concerned with fast checkout, brand name, sellers' reputation, parking, produce freshness, and self-service; on the other hand, the low-frequency one are significantly more dependent on produce varieties, produce prices, and sellers' friendship. Compared with the low-frequency group, the high-frequency group are significantly more satisfied with the shopping environments. sellers' friendship, fast checkout, sellers' reputation, brand name, and promotion activities of supermarkets. There-fore, brand creation, quality, price, and reputed supermarkets are the determinants of direct marketing development at retail level. |