題 名 | 品種遺傳異樣性及病蟲害發生管理在稻米生產利用之研究(1)--水稻品種間之交互作用 |
作 者 | 張素貞; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 37 1992.12[民81.12] |
頁 次 | 頁21-30 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 異樣性; 病蟲害; 交互作用; Rice(oryza sativa l.); Diversification; Pests; Interaction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以台農67號、台農69號及台中189號為參試品種,針對兩品 種交替種植下品種間植株交互作用的關係進行研究。第一期作台農67號與台中 189號交替種植可以降低15.7%稻熱病發生的罹病率,且稻榖產量互助效應為 1,153kg/ha,可提高產量7.8%。第二期作試驗結果顯示僅台農67號與台農69號 交替混植時其對褐飛蝨發生程度之互助效應呈現負值(-0.3∼-4.7),此表示交替種 植的組合可降低褐飛蝨棲群密度,而農藝性狀之互助作用之表現,以台農69號 與台中189號交替種植下之莖桿重、總粒重及稻榖產量較其他品種交替組合大且 皆為正值,台農67號及台農69號交替種植上兩品種彼此間互助效應在收穫指 數、容重量及稻榖產量的影響為正值。以上兩個混植組合相對總產量(relative yield total) 值均大於1,表示這兩個交替種植的組合可以提高稻穀的生產力。 |
英文摘要 | In order to study the intreaction of inter-variety rice as two varieties alternately planted. Three varieties which were Tainung 67 (A), Tainung 69 (B) and Taichung 189 (C) were tested in this study. The results showed that the values of cooperative effect on the density of brown plant-hopper were from -0.3 to -4.7 in the combination of variety A alternately planted with variety B and the occurrence of brown plant-hopper could decreased in this combination. The values of cooperative effects on panicle number, straw weight, total grain weight per hill and grain yield were more positive in the combination of variety B alternately planted with variety C than in other combinations. The cooperative values of harvest index, tested weight and grain yield were positive in the combination of variety A alternately planted with variety B. The values of relative yield total of the two combinations were over 1, it indicated that these combinations would increase the yield productivity. |