題 名 | 臺電核能電廠颱風期間低載持續運轉研究 |
作 者 | 王琅琛; | 書刊名 | 台電工程月刊 |
卷 期 | 544 1993.12[民82.12] |
頁 次 | 頁9-11 |
分類號 | 449.7 |
關鍵詞 | 核能電廠; 核能安全; 颱風運轉; Nuclear Power; Nuclear Safety; Operation at Typhon Period; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 颱風來襲,如果強度太大時因開關場損壞有可能造成喪失廠外電源事 件,但是颱風期間如果核能電廠過分保守提前停機,則由於本省電力系統結構及 南北負載特性,也會造成系統不穩,有可能使系統崩潰同樣造成喪失廠外電源事 件。本研究係以比喪失廠外電源遠嚴重之電廠全黑情況為依據來評估颱風期間核 能電廠各廠應措施對核能電廠安全性的影響,再比較所得的結果選擇合理的應變 措施,原能會根據本分析報告,同意本公司各核能電廠於颱風期間依本公司最有 利的措施運轉,亦即本公司各核能電廠在15級風以下之颱風期間皆可以抵載持續 運轉。此舉除了每年可替本公司節省數千萬因停機所造成的支出外,亦大大地提 昇本公司於颱風期間電力調度之彈性,貢獻至鉅。 |
英文摘要 | According to the historical records on Typhon season in Taiwan area,it had been shown that Typhoon can be a dominant factor damaging theswitchyard and causing a station blackout event to Taipower's nuclearpower plants. When the operating restrictions at typhoon period wereoriginally developed for Taipower's nuclear power plants, too muchconservative engineering judgment was applied to the capability of thedecay head removal system to cope with long duration station blackoutand other explicit requirements. According to the requirements ofTechnical Specification, a level 10 magnitude of typhoon approaches tothe site boundary of the nuclear power plant would force its powerlevel decrease to 50 and a level 14 magnitude of typhoon approaches tothe site boundary of the nuclear power plant would force its shutdown.Today, more experience and analysis exists to improve these bases, andthus the requirements of Technical Specifications. This paper analyzes the station blackout event for Taipower's nuclearpower plant and proposes a plan whereby the availability of the plant canbe increased throught a systematic appproach to improvements in the oldoperating restrictions. The conclusions have shown that the old operatingrestrictions were too strict and can be relaxed without increasing thelikelihood of core damage or core melt for the accident sequence. After adetailed review of this analysis report, ROCAEC has approved the relaxation of the operating restrictions at typhoon period for all of Taipower's three nuclear power plant as proposed by Taiwan Power Company. |