- 圈養亞洲公象狂暴期行為研究
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題 名 | 圈養亞洲公象狂暴期行為研究 |
作 者 | 黎瑞華; 楊健仁; | 書刊名 | 動物園學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁7-13 |
分類號 | 389.8 |
關鍵詞 | 行為; 狂暴期; 亞洲公象; 圈養; 亞洲象; Asian elephant; Musth; Captivity; Behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文為台灣首篇亞洲公象狂暴期行為觀察研究報告。狂暴期是成年亞洲公 象,在身體健康、營養良好條件下,定期出現的一種行為變化。圈養亞洲公象在成 年後,亦有周期性狂暴期發生,本園於78年11月至81年3月,進行台灣唯一的 亞洲公象〔林旺〕行為變化的各項細節觀察;並試圖印證狂暴期與繁殖之相關性。 觀察結果顯示,狂暴期的行為變化可分三階段:〔狂暴前期 〕分泌顳腺液、食慾降 低、不安、攻擊性強、摩擦顳腺、拍打陰莖、親近母象〔馬蘭〕、不服從命令。 〔狂暴盛〕除了前述現象外,滴尿行為及食慾全無兩項最為特殊;並有明顯的消 瘦、疲倦、搖擺、舉鼻、張口、洗嘴、揉眼、耳及顳腺等動作。〔狂暴後期〕滴尿 停止、食慾漸增、顳腺液分泌漸少、搖擺、行為趨於正常。亞洲公象狂暴期行為特 徵與性行為無關,與年齡及健康狀況則呈正相關。狂暴期公象攻擊性強、性情陰沈 善變,造成管理上極大的危機。因應之道包括限食削減營養、提供水浴、注射動情 素、抗雄性素等。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to observe and record the behavior changes that occured in our old male Asian elephant during his annual musth period. Three stages could be divided during the musth cycle. Temporal drainage, appetite decrease, restlessness, agression, rubbing the temporal glands and penis tapping with tail could found during the premusth. The bull also approached closer to the cow, sniffing her vaginal area and excretion, and showed aggressive behaviors toward the keeper during the premusth. In addition to the above-mentioned behaviors, urine dribbling and appetite loss were two distinguished characteristic behaviors, during the full-musth stage. In the meantime, the bull looked tired, and inactive and swayed steadily. During the post- musth stage, the urine dribbing ceased, appetite increased, temporal drainage decreased gradually, and the behavior mentioned in the previous two stages disappeared. The be- havior characters during the musth period shows no interaction with sexual activities. But those behaviors are influenced by age and heath condition of the bull. During the crisis of musth perioid several methods can be used, such as decreasing the food, offer- ing bathing opportunity, and estrogen or antiandrogen injection in order to relieve the physiology stress of the bull. And to secure keepers' safety. |