- Chicken infectious anemia in Taiwan: virus isolation and antibody survey
- A Ripid Slide Agglutination Method for Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus Isolates with Protein A-Containing Staphylococcus Aureus Coated with Specific Antibody
- A Taiwanese Isolate of Chicken Anemia Virus Induces Apoptosis in the in Vitro Culture Cells
- 安博士雞傳染性華氏囊炎及其病毒中和因子(VNF)疫苗
- 安博士雞傳染性華氏囊炎及其病毒中和因子(VNF)疫苗
- 雞傳染性貧血病毒(CAV)的免疫抑制效果與控制方法
- 雞胚胎纖維細胞內血清型2型馬立克氏病毒特異性抗原之表現
- 臺灣鴿子腺病毒及新城雞瘟抗體的調查
- 臺灣鴿子腺病毒及新城雞瘟抗體的調查
- 雞傳染性貧血病毒(CAV)的免疫抑制效果與控制方法