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題 名 | 竹材積層膠合製作高級製品--數種竹材積層膠合用膠合劑之特性及其膠合強度變化之探討=Laminated Bamboo for High Value-added Products-The Properties of Adhesives used in Laminated Bamboo and the Development of Their Bonding Strength |
作 者 | 劉正字; 李文昭; 王恩華; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 12:3 1993.09[民82.09] |
頁 次 | 頁51-63 |
分類號 | 474.1 |
關鍵詞 | 竹材; 高級製品; 強度; 膠合; 膠合劑; 積層; 異氰酸鹽膠合劑; 乙烯执酯膠合劑; 平切竹單板; 高含水率竹材; Lsocyanate adhesive; Vinyl urethane adhesive; Sliced bamboo veneer; High moisture content bamboo; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以未經處理及經高溫蒸氣處理之孟宗竹竹片為試材,探討其在氣乾狀態及高含水率狀態下以尿素甲醛膠合劑(UF)、聚醋酸乙烯乳膠(PVAc)、尿素甲醛膠合劑+聚醋酸乙烯乳膠(UF+PVAc)、間苯二酚甲醛膠合劑(RF)、異氰酸鹽膠合劑(KR-11)、乙烯脲酯膠合劑(KR-7800)、環氧樹脂膠合劑(Epoxy)等膠合之效果;另將竹片經厚度及寬度膠合所得之大尺寸積層竹材用以切製平切竹單板,並將其用於木質板材之貼面膠合,再進一步用於製作竹單板貼面之高級加工製品。所得重要結果可歸納如下:1. 未經處理孟宗竹竹片之常態膠合強度大於經高溫蒸氣處理者。2. 常態膠合強度以RE膠及UF膠最佳;耐水膠合強度以RF膠可耐沸水最佳,UF膠可耐冷水,然60℃水浸漬後則強度降低,但仍在40 Kgf/cm^2以上。3. 乾燥竹材以UF膠及UF+PVAc膠膠合者在佈膠加壓後48小時達最大膠合強度值;以RF膠及Epoxy膠膠合者在4小時時其強度值可分別達72 Kgf/cm^2及67.1 Kgf/cm^2;以KR-7800膠膠合者在8小時時可達65.6 Kgf/cm^2。4. 高含水率竹材之膠合以Epoxy膠最佳,其氣乾後及保持濕潤狀態下之膠合強度可分別增加至59.1 Kgf/cm^2及41.6 Kgf/cm^2。5. 積層竹塊所切製之平切竹單板做為合板等之貼面材料時可得類似竹片拼板之柔美紋理。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the gluing properties of urea-formaldehyde adhesive (UF), polyvinyl acetate adhesive (PVAc), UF combined with PVAc (UF+PVAc), resorcinol formaldehyde adhesive (RF), isocyanate adhesive (KR-11), vinyl urethane adhesive (KR-7800) and epoxy adhesive (Epoxy) for untreated and high temperature vapor treated Moso bamboos under air dried and high moisture content conditions. Then making sliced vineer from laminated bamboo and utilized these bamboo vineers as facing materials on plywood and other processing in order to gain high quality wood and bamboo products. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The bonding strength of untreated Moso bamboo was higher than high temperature vapor treated Moso bamboo. 2. Among all adhesives applied in this study , the dry bonding strength of RF and UF were the highest, PVAc, UF+PVAc, KR-7800 and Epoxy the lower, and KR-11 the lowest. 3. The development of bonding strength of UF and UF+PVAc in air dried samples raised up to the maximum after 48 hours. When glued by RF and Epoxy adhesives, the bonding strength were raised up to 72 Kgf/cm^2 and 67.1 Kgf/cm^2 after 4 hours, and when glued by KR-7800 the bonding strength were raised up to 65.6 Kgf/cm^2 after 8 hours. 4. Epoxy adhesive had the best gluing properties on high moisture content Moso bamboo, its bonding strength was 59.1 Kgf/cm^2 when put the samples in air dry condition and 41.6 Kgf/cm^2 when remain the samples in high M.C. . 5. Wood based boards laminated the sliced veneers cut from laminated bamboo in the face were appeared the beautiful grain like solid bamboo board. |