題 名 | 中日現行小學音樂師資培育之比較研究=A comparative Study of current Sino-japanese Music Teacher Trainin in elementary school |
作 者 | 莊瑞玉; | 書刊名 | 臺北市立師範學院學報 |
卷 期 | 24 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁315-350 |
分類號 | 523.354 |
關鍵詞 | 小學; 中; 日; 音樂; 師資; 培育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的,在於探討中日兩國現行小學音樂師資培育的內容與差異。此值我國國小音樂師資已提昇至與日本小學音樂師資同等地位,均為大學程度,享有教育學士學位之際,針對兩國的小學音樂師資培育在學制、目標、課程、資格、服務、進修等各項加以分析比較,以作為今後我國國小音樂師資培育的參考與改進。茲提出如下建議: 一、 改進師範學院招生方式,以落實師範學院國小師資培育目標。 二、 我國由於國小師資培育採公費制而對公費生過分保障,導致學生缺乏學習自 主性,甚至任教意願不高。這些均應檢討其利弊得失,加以改進。 三、 為整體提昇我國全民音樂教育水準,必須先紮根小學的基礎音樂教育。而首要之道乃廣增國小音樂設備經費,以利國小音樂教學正常化,期能達到全民音樂化的目的。 四、 宜在全省九所國(市)立師範學院一律設置音樂教育學系以提高師資及解決目前全省國小音樂教師嚴重缺乏問題。 五、 多設具有實質效益的在職進修管道,提倡現任國小音樂教師進修風氣,以推動及提昇國小音樂教育水準。 六、 成立「音樂司」,以達成全面提昇我國音樂教育在世界的地位。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research is to examine the contents and differences of currentSino-Japanese music teacher training in elementary school. Since music teacher'squiification of elementary schools of this country has been promoted to the sameposition as that of Japanese ( both are university level and enjoy bachelor degree ), itis meaningful to analyze and compare their school systems, goals, courses,qualifications, services, and advanced studies, It is hoped that they can be referencesand the ground of improvement for our country's elementary school music teachertraining. The author suggests: 1. We should improve the methods of students recruiting in normal schools, sothat the goal of elementary school teacher training will be actualized. 2. Because this country adopts free educational system for elementary teachertraining, and with too much of protection to students in this system, it has resulted inthe lack of desire in self-learning, even the low intentions of being a teacher. Thistendency should be examined and improved. 3. The budget for musical equipments in elementary schools should be increased.This will strengthen the foundation of elementary schools' basic music education,therefore, help the normalization of music education, and brings about themusicalization for all citizens' lives. 4. It is vital to establish departments of music education in nine national/municipal normal schools in Taiwan, because they will raise the qualification andsatisfy current urgent demand for elementary music teachers in this country. 5. In order to promote music education level for the elementary schools, weshould establish more channels for inservice studies and encourage advanced studiesfor current music teachers. 6. In order to promote the status of music education for this country in the world,the Ministry of Education should set Department of Music. |