- 子癇前症及子癇症
- Comparison of Referral and Non-Referral Hypertensive Disorders during Pregnancy: An Analysis of 271 Consecutive Cases at a Tertiary Hospital
- 妊娠誘發性高血壓併發症探討
- Bilateral Serous Retinal Detachment as a Prodroma of Severe Preeclampsia--A Case Report
- 子癇前症臨床機轉之探討
- CT and MRI Findings of Eclampsia and Their Correlation with Neurologic Symptoms
- 腎臟與子癇前症
- 一位子癇前症妊娠孕婦住院期間的關注與調適行為
- 子癇症的神經學觀點
- Preeclampsia in Multiple Pregnancy