- 合歡山玉山箭竹草原土壤之發育與分類
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- 塔塔加地區臺灣雲杉、臺灣鐵杉林下及玉山箭竹微生育地環境之研究(1)
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- Soil Properties, Genesis and Classification of Inceptisols and Histosols Developed under Hardwood Forests in Nanao, Taiwa
- Soil Properties, Clay Mineralogy, and Genesis of Some Alpine Forest Soils in Ho-Huan Mountain Area of Taiwan
題 名 | 合歡山玉山箭竹草原土壤之發育與分類 |
作 者 | 金恆鑣; | 書刊名 | 林業試驗所研究報告季刊 |
卷 期 | 8:1 1993.03[民82.03] |
頁 次 | 頁21-38 |
分類號 | 432.226 |
關鍵詞 | 草原土壤; 土壤分類; 玉山; 合歡山; 土壤發育; 箭竹; 弱育土; Glassland soils; Soil genesis; Soil classification; Inceptisols; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 太魯閣國家公園境內合歡山玉山箭竹草原是本省重要的草原生態系。 本報告是研究該草原土壤之發育過程及分類。該草原土壤育自硬頁岩或弱變質之 破岩破屑。環境潮濕(年雨量3500cm)氣溫低(年均溫7℃),地理位置高(海拔 3100m),方位朝東至東南,優勢植生為矮生的玉山箭竹 (Yushania niitakayamensis)。土壤剖面有二母質非連續存在:即在40- 50及70-90公分深處。 此二非連續區分出來的三個區域的質地差異相當大,越往深處,質地越粗:從最 上部分(0-40cm)的坋質黏土,中間部分(40- 70cm)的壤土,到最底層(70-110cm) 砂質壤土。土壤呈強酸性,自近地表A 層約為pH3.3(CaCl2)越往深層,pH值逐 漸上升,至3C(110cm)時,其pH值為4.55(CaCl2)。剖面的鹽基飽和度極低(<10%, 中性醋酸銨法)。表土層 (0-10cm)的有機物含量極高(13.3%有機碳),往下則銳減 (在3C為0.57%)。土壤有機物的分布,亦可自土壤薄片觀察中得到證明。此種 有機物分布式樣,說明了暗化作用下發育了黑瘠表層(Umbric epipedon)。以各種 化學形態的鐵在表剖面分布的情形看來,在20-40cm處只有微晶氧化鐵的聚積, 以及總鐵含量的剖面垂直變異很少。換言之,此剖面因鐵的原處轉化作用,已發 育成發育B層(cambic B horizon)。此作用即為棕化作用(braunification)。目前已 知有極少量的鐵自A層遷移到B層,惟灰化作用尚屬初期,從X光繞射圖中得 悉,剖面的主要黏土礦為水雲母外,其餘上半層有少量的蛭石,下半層有少量的 綠泥石。據此上述資料,合歡山玉山箭竹草原土壤,依美國土壤分類(Soil Taxonomy)應為「典型簡育黑瘠弱育土,細質,伊萊石,寒冷 (Typic Haplumbrept, fine, illitic,frigid)」。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims the genesis and classification of soils developed under Yushan cane (Yushania niitakayamensis) grassland, a prominent grassland ecosystem in Taiwan, in the western Taroko National Park, the Ho-huan mountain. The soil pedon is derived from weakly metamorphosed shaly materials under cold (annual mean temperature about 7℃), humid (annual piecipitation about 3500 mm), high altitude (about 3100 m above mean sea level), eastern aspect and predominant short Yusham cane vegetation. The soil pedon has two major lithological discontinuities at about 45 and 80 cm below the soil surface. These discontinuities have separated the vertical soil profile into 3 portions with 3 distinct soil texture properties: the upper 45 cm of the soil materials are silty clay; the middle portion (45-80cm), loam and; below 80 cm, sandy loam. The entire pedon is rather acidic, being pH 3.33 (CaCl2) at the surface layer and increasing to 4.55 (CaCl2) at 110 cm depth. The base saturation (either 1M, neutral, NH4OAc methold or 2M, NaC1 method) of the peden is very low, being<10% throughout. The organic carbon content is high (Ca. 13.3%) at the surface 10 cm, decreases rapidily thereafter and is 0.57% at 110 cm depth. The occurrence of soil organic materials can also be observed through soil thin-sections. The high concentration of organic matter at soil surface leads to form an umbric epipedon through melanization. The depth-distribution of various forms of Fe-containing fractions are determined. It is found that only microcrystalline iron oxides have accumulated between 20-40 cm depth of the pedon, other forms of iron (amorphous inorganic iron oxides, organic complexed iron) have changed very little with depth, except a small increase in total Fe between 20-40 cm depth. This indicates the microcrystalline iron oxides are formed in situ weathering of sillicate iron through transformation, producing a cambic diagnostic horizon. This process refers as braunification. Only incipient stage of podzolization is evident in this pedon. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals hydromica being the predominant clay minerals with small amounts of vermiculite and kaolinite in the upper portion (40-50 cm and above) and chlorite and kaolinite in the lower half of the pedon. Judging from the above information, this pedon is thus classified, according to Soil Taxonomy, as "Typic Halpumbrept, fine, illitic, frigid". |