題 名 | 濱海地區抽水試驗現場分析法 |
作 者 | 劉振宇; 賴成銑; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 39:1 1993.03[民82.03] |
頁 次 | 頁94-99+ |
分類號 | 443.67 |
關鍵詞 | 抽水試驗; 濱海地區; 潮汐效率; Pumping test; Tidal efficiency; Coastal area; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣四周環海,沿海地區之地下水位會受到潮差漲落之影響而上下起伏。執行抽水試驗時,此一周期性之變動邊界,對地下水水位洩降有明顯之影響。在以標準曲線分析水位變化,求含水層之導水係數及儲水係數等水文參數之前,必須先過濾潮汐影響,以期求得正確之導水係數及儲水係數等水文參數之模式過濾潮汐效應,模式中之延滯時間、潮汐效率及區域水力壓降等三參數,可於抽水試驗前,事先觀測海水潮汐及井中水位變化求得。此公式可於現場試驗中直接修正潮汐壓降影響,求得因抽水所造成井中水位淨洩降隨時間之變化。模式應用於現場實例,結果顯示該模式可成功的立即過濾潮汐變化之影響。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan is an island surrounded by sea, the groundwater level near the shore is significantly affected by the periodic tidal fluctuation. To determine the correct transmissivity and storativity of hydrogeological parameters by the standard method of type curve match, it is necessary to filter the tidal influence. A simple model of filtering the tidal fluctuation is developed. The model contains three parameters time lag, tidal efficiency and groundwater gradient. These parameters are evaluated prior to the pumping test by measuring the variations of sea level and groundwater level. It can then be used to correct the tidal influence directly during the field pumping test. The model was applied to field pumping test and yielded good results. It is suggested that the model is capable of filtering the tidal influence simultaneously during the pumping test. |